"Health Food and the Bible" continued
Health and the Bible. And some foods written about.
Date: 11/13/2009 5:28:09 PM ( 16 y ) ... viewed 1509 times As I was saying, having knowledge of the Bible doesn't pay very much...unless, you're very charismatic, and you know how to run back-and-forth on some stage - all the while asking for money in a very loud voice.
To lay a foundation of sorts for those of you who don't know - the (Christian) Bible as we call it here in America has two parts - the first is actually the Jewish Bible - the second and the much, much smaller part of the "Bible" is the Christian Bible. Now the Christians have combined the two, and they call the two as one = the Bible.
So then, actually, when I say: "Health Food in the Bible," I will be talking about what the Jews wrote down thousands of years ago in their Jewish Bible. Of course, Christians claim that all of what the Jews wrote was for them in the first place. But I'll let them fight all of that out. That's not really my battle since I'm neither Jewish or Christian.
I just find some of the things that the Jews wrote down thousands of years ago very interesting in regard to foods that should or shouldn't be eaten.
So before I start, let me say again. I'm not Jewish. Nor do I practice any religion. And just to let you know for the record I haven't touched any kind of Bible from any religion in years and years.
I said that I found it interesting as to what is written there. That's true. I do. But more than that I find much of what was written in regard to maintaining a person's health extremely smart.
The information about food that was written down in the Bible for the Jews was not given to them in the context of - if you eat this...you'll be healthier. Their law (which encompasses much more than just the dietary laws) was given to them in the context of - if you do this...you'll be blessed.
I'm only going to comment on some of their dietary laws that were written down thousands of years ago.
Actually, the Jews have many dietary traditions that aren't written down in the Bible. So for every little thing they practice or believe in regard to the foods they eat, I most definitely don't agree with or recommend when it comes to promoting one's health. And I'm not saying that practicing Jews are healthy. I've been to one of their grocery stores before - their products are terrible (artificial this, preservative that, etc.)
What I will agree with are some of the major ideas that are clearly presented to all who that would read their scriptures in regard to what animals or creatures that should or shouldn't be eaten.
Now for a practicing Jew eating according to what is written for them, their diet has a religious significance for them. I don't believe that they necessarily eat according to their dietary laws for the sole purpose to be healthier in terms of "eating healthier foods".
Okay. Now it's very, very clearly presented that they should not eat pork of any kind. This is incredibly smart. Why? One big reason is that pork amongst many other negative qualities is a super-food for parasites, Candida, viruses, harmful bacteria, and the like.
Pork is even better at promoting and supporting all the negative parasites that live within than eating too much sugar...well - okay, maybe it has about the same power. And for those of you who are sick in body this can be a very serious thing to give the breath of life to these enemies. Like I said, it's their super-food - they thrive on it. It gives them greater power and greater strength which leads them to having greater power and greater strength over you.
Someone might say: "Show me the scientific study proving this." My first response would be: "Sure, give me millions of dollars to fund the study, and I'll prove it." But that's not realistic. So my only response is...this knowledge (and my other knowledge like this) is what I've learned from visions, dreams, and/or energy sensing. And if you don't believe me, then you don't believe me.
Another thing that is clearly presented is that you shouldn't eat any fish that doesn't have scales. Again in regard to your health, I agree. Why? The exact same reason that I gave above with only one little addition. I don't think eating Catfish (for example) is quite as bad as eating pork. However, it's bad (and fish like it...ones with no scales) and shouldn't be eaten.
Now let me make it very clear - there is much more to all of this than just the reason I've given above. These animals (I believe) are all to some degree or another are toxic to us in addition to being super-foods for negative energies. Also, many of the fish are scavengers - that's they will feed off of anything dead or alive which can make their tissue even more toxic to us than what it already is. It's not healthy to feed off of another decaying creature because there's the potential for disease and more toxins.
Someone might say: "I've been eating pork and the bad fish that you talk about for years, and I'm fine". I would say: "I'm happy for you because those things taste good, and if you're truly healthy...you're lucky". Now I wouldn't dare say or explain the following ideas to them because I don't want to upset anyone, but I've also known people that have smoked all day long for their entire lives, and they lived happy, healthy lives. However, let's say that you're a smoker who has all kinds of health problems, I might recommend that you stop smoking. Or if you are a smoker that has no health problems, I would still recommend that you stop smoking because it could be dangerous to your health.
I could get into other animals that are mentioned, but those are two major ones.
There's much more to talk about, but if I told you that you shouldn't be eating lobster and crab, everyone would get so mad at me that no one would ever read my blogs. There's a lot more mentioned, but I'm going to leave it here.
Again, I don't necessarily agree with all that is written down in the Jewish dietary laws, but some of the major points that the author made thousands years ago are interesting for me.
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