Blog: Psychic Health
by atoasttoyourhealth


This is an introduction into "Psychic" health.

Date:   11/12/2009 2:45:24 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 1373 times

I'll be writing down some of the things that I've seen as related to health and nutrition.

I don't actually call myself a Psychic because I don't believe in tarot cards, palm reading, etc. Any time, someone says the word "Psychic" - people tend to immediately think tarot cards.

I do interpret dreams if they're supernatural dreams. Just a quick sentence or two on dreams. Dreams that come strictly from a person's "own" mind can have meaning, but I interpret the ones that come from supernatural sources. Anyway, I'm not going to be talking about dreams too much. I just want to give people an idea of who I am. (I might write a little more about this subject in a later post.)

So then, I've seen a lot. And I'll be taking about many different things. I'll be giving you more of a practical understanding of very basic things.

I do believe that many of you who have struggled and even fought for knowledge (practical knowledge that you can use) over the past many months and years - I believe that you might find some here.

I do know how to cure cancer through nutrition. I'm talking about a general guideline that works for all with one caveat. I was always seeing tumors in my visions, and how to attack them. And not all cancer occurs in the form of a tumor inside the body. That doesn't mean that what I know won't work on other forms of cancer, but in my visions I was always dealing with a tumor. I would see what worked and what didn't work. This was shown to me in visions and dreams over many years. Actually, at times (at the start) I didn't understand the big picture of what I was working on. I would make recipes and concoctions of what I had seen that would attack and kill a cancer tumor. I use only foods and herbs with the knowledge of how to combine them and so that they will work in a powerful way. I don't use supplements. I might if there were good ones, but you'll find out that I don't think it much of them because of the way that most of them (if not all) are produced. But I won't be talking about how to cure cancer in its entirety - only on the outskirts.

Okay, I recently read a post about how bad orange juice is for you. Of course, most people don't believe that's true. I don't either depending on what type of orange juice we're talking about. Nevertheless, in my next posting I'm going to be talking about orange juice. This will be an important post for those of you who buy the prepared juice at the grocery stores. I'll tell you why not to buy it.

One last thing - I believe that almost anyone can be healed through proper nutrition. Now what I call "proper nutrition" compared to what the experts might say it is can vary too a good degree.

Feel free to email me at my email with questions or comments because I have disallowed questions or comments on my blog.

Until my next posting

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