Hi...I'm back
Updates about Douglas James Cottrell and new websites
Date: 11/5/2009 9:16:38 PM ( 16 y ) ... viewed 61694 times Hello everyone:
It's been months since I last posted on this site. I hope everyone is doing well.
Here is an update on Douglas James Cottrell...he's been very busy...
a fresh new website http://www.douglasjamescottrell.com in June he was ordained as an interfaith minister and received his Ph.d. in Montreal
Douglas will be returning to Montreal next week for lectures and events
he's returning from a trip to Poland where he lectured to a group of over 1000 people Regular Miracle Transformation Events are being each month in Toronto, Ontario and Hamilton, Ontario. There are book signings and classes booked regularly as well
All of these events can be tracked on his website event calendar http://www.douglasjamescottrell.com/calendar.html
Currently there are 91 videos showcasing Douglas's work on youtube.
Some of these are displayed in my new website http://www.thespiritualclub.com
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