The Quest: Day 3
Day 3 of 10 day urine fast
Date: 5/3/2009 11:45:32 PM ( 16 y ) ... viewed 3256 times Maybe it's the warmer weather or just my past experiences, but so far this fast isn't that bad. This morning I slept in, and had enough strength to carry on with relative ease. I've yet to have a bowel movement but this is normal, although I plan on doing an enema by the 5th or 6th day if I hadn't gone by that time. I had morning urine and late afternoon urine for sustenance, which is the usual amount I produce. At nights I save my urine for external use the next day. As you may have guessed the more you survive on your urine, the darker and concentrated it gets. The taste is much stronger and therefore not as easy to consume, but it's all mental. I read that urine gets clearer the more you drink, which is puzzling to me because I'm having quite the opposite effect. I am sipping some water throughout the day, but not much.
What's really helping me right now are the commercials of starving children in third world countries. They are just heartbreaking to watch and adds fuel to the fire of my goal. I have the luxury of deciding not to eat for 10 days, and afterward eat as I see fit accordingly. They, however, have no such luxury; tomorrow is another day of not knowing if there will be food, not knowing if they will live to see the end of the week. Not only does this help me but definitely makes me want to take action. Hopefully when I get well and make some money I will be able to donate again...but I need my health back before I can help the world. Well, on to day 4
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