The Quest: Day 1
day 1 of my 10 day urine fast
Date: 5/1/2009 10:23:00 PM ( 16 y ) ... viewed 2346 times I'm used to fasting so the first days are usually the easiest for me. This morning I had a bowel movement and probably my last for a few days. I used the squat technique so as to purge as much as I can from my body...this seems to really help me get the excess out compared to sitting. Anyway, today was just normal. I plan on morning meditations and urine rubs starting on the 3rd day or so. I can take physical pain but the psychological torment of the longer fasts will either make you or break you. This time I am a little more prepared, since I have experience and a better understanding to adapt and overcome. On to day 2.
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