Day 4 of my waterfast
You don't need to be religious to feel god.
Date: 4/17/2009 2:15:55 AM ( 16 y ) ... viewed 3154 times Yesterday went very well, appart from feeling faint at some point in the afternoon I was energetic for most of the day and did a lot of walking, playing with my children (transformed the kitchen into a lab and made soaps, any colour, every purfume!). I was in a very good mood and NOT HUNGRY AT ALL. I felt completely independent form food. Yeah!
When I went shopping for dinner, I decided on poaching some fish in olive oil, basil,sliced garlic, salt and pepper, slow cook on "bain-marie" (= in a dish above a pan of boiling water)(just make sure there always is water in the pan or the pan will burn!!!!!!!!!).
Anyway, I cought myself thinking, "I might eat a chunk of it myself since yesterday I had a piece of duck which did not at all affect my fasting mood, this is one of my favorite foods...". Oh no you don't, oh no you don't!
Phew!... I'd better whach myself. Especially when it's ready to serve.
Why, I am not hungry, I am in state of bliss and feeling very alive and close to god, thanks to the fast, and I am going to stupidly eat when I can so easily not do it? I don't think so!
There I said it.
Gotta keep an eye on that girl you know.
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