36 hour dry fast ended at 32 hours
dry fast ended
Date: 4/11/2009 4:15:45 AM ( 16 y ) ... viewed 2175 times I am sitting at the kitchen table, 5am. Drinking a liter and a half of fresh juice.
I didn't sleep all night and just kept counting the hours.
I felt this emptiness inside that I had never felt. I sat with it for the evening.
I had about 4 hours to go and I did not like the way I was feeling. I desperately wanted to sleep but had this alertness it was uncomfortable...
At 4am I have myself one more hour to see if I would fall asleep.
At 4:50 I got up and came down to make juice.
I have been FREEZING throughout this fast. While dry fasting I was wearing 4 layers of tops and sweat pants. I did not leave the house...
I was still cold.
While I began to juice a wave of heat came over me. I felt like I was going to pass out. I could feel my heart beating through my chest really fast..I had to take off my winter robe and was down to under wear and a tank top.
What the hell was that??
Was I so excited to be drinking soon again that my body was rejoicing?
Dunno...But here I am almost with the liter and 1/2 down.... I drank it WAY too fast, and I am FREEZING again!!!
Shivering in fact!!
I came to some VERY important decisions because of an opportunity in the last 32hours. GOWD I hope it all works out!!
OK - On with my juice fast..
How long?
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