Blog: Juice/Water FASTING Daily Progress Log- NEW March 2009
by l1724

Fast DAY 10! 3/25/09

Fast- Water, DAY 10

Date:   3/25/2009 8:52:58 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 2602 times

Weight- 133
Shew! This fast really has gone fast so far but I think it will start feeling like it's slowing down. My weight loss is at a crawl but no worries, it has no choice but to pick up or at least keep going! It's physically impossible! My stomach actually growled today, day 10, can you believe it- what nerve! My tongue still has a coating on it which is indeed disgusting but what can you do, you know? The benefits outweigh any of the small side effects. My stomach is so much flatter and my waist has really come in too. That plus the excitement of weighing less each morning is such a great trade off and after around the 5th day your body gets the idea that you can make it without food. Wow, tomorrow is day 11. I'm so glad I started when I did; summer will be here before you know it and losing weight now will be so great for the hot weather. The health benefit will be wonderful too. I plan to hit the local farmer's markets for the bulk of my diet and keep with the nutritious plan. I had energy again today but in the evening again I just wanted to get in bed with my laptop and a book. It makes it easier, too, because you're not in the kitchen while everyone is chowing down. At this point in time, there's no way I'd take a bite of anything. I'm in the zone and it feels good! Just drank water only today and that's all I wanted. Stay strong and remember your goal!!

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Comments (10 of 25):
Re: Fast- DAY 11 … ausju… 16 y
Re: Fast- DAY 12 … #1098… 16 y
Re: Fast- DAY 12 … Fruit… 16 y
Re: Fast- DAY 9 3… L1724 16 y
Re: Fast- DAY 9 3… Fruit… 16 y
Re: Fast- DAY 9 3… L1724 16 y
Re: Fast- DAY 9 3… bella… 16 y
Re: Fast- DAY 8 … L1724 16 y
Re: Fast- DAY 8 … Fruit… 16 y
Re: Fast- DAY 7 3… L1724 16 y
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