Fast- Day 6 (3/21/09)
Fast- DAY 6 (3/21/09)
Date: 3/22/2009 1:32:19 AM ( 16 y ) ... viewed 3536 times 3/21/09 Weight 137.2
Today was another good day- no sign of headache for a couple days now and I'm glad about that. Not particularly hungry, but tummy a little rumbly off and on. Stuck mostly with water except for about 8 oz spinach, broccoli, apple juice. Just not in the juice mood lately. My stomach feels nice and flat and I have that thin empty feeling, my clothes are fitting looser- all is going well. I have done some fasts that were just torture the whole time and I agonized and dreamt about food, thankfully this one hasn't been that way.
I drank the 10oz bottle of Magnesium Citrate to clean myself out and so far I've been pretty disappointed. It's not been very productive but it's been 6 days without food, mostly water, so there probably isn't a lot to clean out. Not quite as tired as yesterday. Tired now so I wish you all good luck and will check in tomorrow!
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