Fast- Day 2
Fast- Juice/Water DAY 2
Date: 3/17/2009 9:19:15 PM ( 16 y ) ... viewed 1961 times Weight- 142.6
Today was pretty uneventful. I was so busy that I didn't keep up on drinking my water or juice. I probably only had
2 oz juice but I had 40 oz water, which is less than half of what I make myself drink daily. I realize I have to drink more- it keeps you from being hungry and I don't want to get dehydrated. It's not a big concern with drinking that amount of water but yesterday I didn't drink nearly as much water and just a little more juice.
I am kind of considering this more of a water/juice fast than a juice/water fast because I'm focusing on getting more water in and less juice. I'm pretty burned out on the juice lately anyway so the water is a nice change so far. If I begin to feel differently, I'll add more juice.
In a few days there won't be anything left to eliminate from my system so I'll begin to feel lighter which is always welcome. Still didn't get to town to get the spirulina and chlorella. I need to do that because that adds protein to your diet and I always use it when I fast to feel good. Good luck to you and me tomorrow as we fast!
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