Blog: Candida and Coconut Oil
by RedFizz

Day 10

Losing weight...

Date:   3/17/2009 8:15:11 AM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 2074 times

I had a major detox about 4 days ago with a little candida expelled 1 day after that. It seems like it is not going away on my tongue. I am really frustrated.

I have already finished the 1 pound jar of coconut oil. I ordered a gallon from Nutiva, but since I am already out, I got a jar of Jungle Products from the store to hold me over.

The Jungle oil is cold pressed unlike the Jarrow, and it tastes like candy! Really sweet candy or even really sweet butter. It's funny to me, because I cannot handle "sweet" like I used to due to removing sugar from my diet about 2 years ago.

Because it has a butter-like taste, my friend tried it in his baked sweet potato in lieu of regular butter and said it was great - a little sweet - but he's definitely replacing his butter with it.

An interesting turn of events: I am losing a lot of weight! I thought it was because the coconut oil and Candex were killing the candida. But it turns out that coconut oil has been documented to cause weight loss. Now, could it be because it kills candida/keeps candida in check? There's no telling. All I know is that I am losing weight! Yeah! (There was a case study of a farmer who tried to fatten his cattle with coconut oil, and instead they became lean and more

Does anyone have any thoughts on why the thrush seemed like it was going away and then spread again (not as white, though)? Is this a normal cycle in the cleanse? Does candida thrive on wine? I had 2 glasses over the past 2 weeks. Did that set me back?

Thanks for the info!

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