Fast- Juice/Water DAY 1
Fast- Juice/Water DAY 1
Date: 3/16/2009 7:36:40 PM ( 16 y ) ... viewed 3405 times Weight- 144.6
Okay, we're starting at square 1 again. My virus and sinus infection are better; maybe the doctor was right and the veggies and salad did help. In any case, I'm back on:
Today was pretty easy- normal headache, little energy, dry lips. I don't ever even think about food until I'm leaving work to go home and then when I get there. I will not let those thoughts in. I spent time reading and working on my laptop to pass the time. I need to get some spirulina and chlorella I just haven't felt well enough to go to town and buy it. I will make an effort to go tomorrow. I wish all of you good luck with your fasts tonight and during the day tomorrow.
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