Fast- Day 4
Fast- Day 4
Date: 3/15/2009 10:09:00 PM ( 16 y ) ... viewed 2418 times Weight- 143
Have been battling strep throat and a sinus infection. Was hoping it cleared up but seemed to be worse than ever so Sat night I went back to the night time medical clinic. At the physician's request, I've eaten 3 meals of vegetables and salad today. He seems to think my immunity may be low due to the 9 day fast I did 3 weeks ago and now this one. He said normally it wouldn't be a problem but because of the virus and infection my system was out of whack anyway. He gave me a potent fast acting medicine that should clear everything up within a day or 2 but must be taken with food. So, I took the meds and got some rest today and I actually think I'm better already. By morning, I will have been on the medicine 34 hours so I think I'll start fresh again upon waking. I know it's not as long as he wanted me to wait but feeling better like I do, will not waste a perfectly good Monday. I do hate that I'm back to square 1 but if I considered the cooked vegetables and salad part of the fast, it wouldn't be a true fast. Okay, then, so that's the plan. Bummer, tomorrow begins day 1 again...
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