Fast- Day 3
Fast- Day 3
Date: 3/14/2009 10:36:08 AM ( 16 y ) ... viewed 3409 times Weight- 143.
Last night was a rough one. Hopefully I got that terrible food yearning out of my system. Woke up with a headache (of course) and still feel a little bloated. I need to get some sort of cleanse today and begin that- much better to do that on the weekend! I will also pick up some spirulina and start taking that. It always helps clean me out and provides vitamins and protein, as well. Had grapefruit juice at breakfast and will have broccoli/carrot/apple juice for lunch. Truthfully, even though it's only day 3, I feel pretty juiced out. About 3 weeks ago I did a 9 day fast (juice/water) where I lost 10 lbs. I only ended it because of a family get together and I wasn't really ready to end it just then. So- this is one reason I started this one so soon. I may switch to just water a day or two. I've cut my juice down already to only 2 cups or so a day just because I haven't wanted any. I'll just have to see how I feel today. Is anyone out there fasting right now? If so, let me know. It's so much easier when you know others are doing the same thing.
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