Blog: Healer,Clairvoyant,Lecturer,Author - Douglas James Cottrell
by Anne H.

December 2008 Newsletter

Miracle Transformation Event on Sunday, Dec 14 in Hamilton, Ontario, Pilgrimage to Mexico, Obama Prediction - Is His Life in Danger?, Mantra/Prayer: “Relief and Prosperity”, Question: Whenever I hear news about terrorist acts such as the recent attack in India, I am gripped by a paralyzing fear. What should I do?.

Date:   12/5/2008 6:38:32 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2174 times

December 1, 2008


Douglas and his team will be returning to Hamilton, Ontario, the location of one of our most successful trilogy of Miracle Transformation Events. We will be leading a MTE on Sunday, December 14, 2008, at Unity on the Mountain. Everyone is welcome, and everyone will have an opportunity to receive a personal blessing and Laying On Of Hands. We expect to see Miracles. Come early, seating is limited. By donation.

Miracle Transformation Event,
Unity on the Mountain,
21 Rosedene Ave., Hamilton, Ontario. Sunday, December 14, 2008.
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM.


Obama Prediction - Is His Life in Danger?
Recently, a client asked Douglas in a Deep Trance Meditation session to cast his mind into the future and comment on what is going to happen to the U.S.A. under the new administration and President Obama’s leadership. The response to this seemingly simple question will amaze you. If you listen closely and read between the lines you will hear prophecy at its best. With the help of one of our associates, this prediction is now available through Youtube as a video clip. To listen, visit the new "World Predictions" section of Douglas's website. You will also find more video predictions made by Douglas in DTM sessions, including 2012, and the opening of the Egyptian Hall of Records. To go directly to that page, click on The World Predictions page of Douglas's site.
Let us know what you think. Your opinions and suggestions are always welcomed.


This month we have given Douglas's website a whole new look with new features. Be sure to check it out! Visit today.


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Douglas's Pilgrimage to Mexico

In October a Religious Pilgrimage was undertaken by some friends and myself to see the Lady of Guadeloupe Basilica near Mexico City. We planned to proceed to the original site where, in 1531, the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Juan Diego and asked for a Church to be built in Her honor. This Spiritual Sojourn started in April with a comment made to me by one of our team members. She had a vision of Angels surrounding our team in Mexico. This broadened a vision I had that indicated I would be in Mexico where I would see a man with a burro (the significance of this was made known to me on the last day of my trip).
A week before leaving for Mexico, I found myself teaching a seminar and leading a scaled-down version of a MTE in Montreal. I had been invited by Montreal's IIIHS-SSF organization. One of the highlights of the MTE was sending healing energy to a lady who was not there (at the request of her sister, Dr. G). To the sister’s surprise, a cyst (which had formed in an area of the body where she had no feeling) had disappeared.
Montreal held another surprise for me. We visited the magnificent St. Joseph’s Oratory on Mount Royal built by Bro André Bessette in 1924 in honor of Saint Joseph (husband of the Virgin Mary). It is a site where miraculous healings have occurred. We saw stacks of canes and crutches left behind, as a testament to his Spiritual healing by those who received a blessing. After visiting his tomb and the vault containing his relic we made our way to the basilica. I sat down in the front row and immediately a dark-skinned man in a yellow-orange suit approached me. "Come with me," he said, so I waved to my traveling companions to follow. His name was William and we followed him behind the altar to a secluded room in the back. He unlocked this room and as the five of us followed him in, he locked the door behind us. We were not afraid. There in the middle of the room was a carved marble chair. "Sit there," he said. I approached the chair, knowing this was something special, I was still attempting to take in what was going on as I sat in the chair I could feel the coolness of the marble. "This is where the Pope sat," he said to me, implying it was a great honor. As I ran my hands over the armrest of the chair and my son took some pictures, I asked William if he knew who I was. "A Priest," he said. I replied, "No, not quite." "A Holy man," he said, and I motioned my hands for Spiritual healing and he smiled. I told William he had done me a great Honor and I blessed him for this effort. He smiled, very pleased. We proceeded to leave the room, and as William locked the door behind us, he disappeared as quickly as he had appeared. A most mysterious experience!
Eight days later, in Mexico City, I stood in the entrance-way of the church near the site of the Virgin Mary's appearance to Juan Diego almost 500 years before -- ever mindful of the dream-visions of angels and a man with a burro. My friend, Steven, and I entered the building. It was most unremarkable, as this aging structure was under renovations and only a small area in the entrance way was open to the public. The place was dark, save for light streaming in from the arched doorway behind us. Scaffolding was everywhere. It was dusty and noisy, as the jack-hammers and drills of unseen workers could be heard deep inside.  A makeshift display area was set up for the faithful to leave their notes, pictures, and prayer requests for the Lady of Guadeloupe
I had come here with some expectation that something might happen. Several friends and family had asked me to pray for them during my visit. As I approached this spot I began to pray. Almost immediately, I could feel the top of my head open up. From above my ears, and all around my head, I had a sensation that is likened to numbness. I heard a female voice say "Step into the light." With my eyes closed, I took three steps. Steven watched me, and several people milled about, but to me I was all alone and oblivious to my surroundings. I could see the Lady in front of me, above, and to my left. I continued my encounter and the Lady gave me a gold cross for me and a silver larger cross for others. I could see a staircase leading up about forty feet or so. On the staircase halfway up was Jesus and at the top of the staircase, on the right, was Joseph. I could see three chairs and I was beckoned to walk up the stairs. I could see myself dressed in black walking up the stairs with Jesus on my right. More had been said to me, but now I was approaching the area with the three chairs. I immediately noticed a chair that looked very much like the one I had sat in, in Montreal, but this one had a scarlet-colored seat, and on that seat, written in gold letters, was my name, "Douglas." I thought, "I am sitting on the right side of Christ."
Thinking this had a double meaning, I was very pleased. But I was also feeling very strange. In a moment, I could hear the people around me and the noises of the renovations. It had been some twenty to twenty-five minutes, but it felt only like five. I began to breathe in a labored way. Steven and I made our way out of the building and I complained I was having trouble breathing and I had to sit down. We rested and I discussed with Steven what had just happened. "Well, you’ve got what you have come for," Steven said with some conviction. We then proceeded to a small chapel to sit in the pews. I was still in difficulty. Again, I felt a presence and to my right there was a large picture of the Lady of Guadeloupe on the wall above and beside me. We next made our way through this chapel. following some Mexican people. A priest was blessing people as they proceeded past him, and he blessed us as well. We continued on and arrived in the new church where mass was being celebrated. Still having this feeling of catching my breath and feeling a little dizzy, I sat down and celebrated the mass with about two thousand other people. Again, I had an image in which I could see the Lady of Guadeloupe, in all her radiance. I noticed a yellow border around a rectangular shape at her feet. There seemed to be a figure laying down in this frame. Innocence, I thought, was laying at her feet. As the donation box came by and I made a contribution, the image faded.
Steven and I proceeded to see the original artifact or relic of Juan Diego’s cape, with the image imbedded in it of the Lady of Guadeloupe As we did so, there, on the wall, was a huge painting of the Virgin Mary as depicted in Juan Diego’s garment, and in that painting, at the bottom, was the horizontal box with a misty shape that looked to me like a person -- and it had a yellow border. The Lady had given me another message by showing me this image that I had never seen before.
Upon our return home, many of the people who had asked a prayer be said for them (which happened on Monday) reported things happened to them on Tuesday. One found a new place to live, after months of looking; another friend had a swollen foot return back to normal; another person felt depression lifted, and so on, and so on. My pilgrimage to Mexico was more than I could have hoped for. It was an amazing Spiritual event.

Mantra/Prayer: “Relief and Prosperity”
Words have real power. In your research, you have no doubt heard the terms "vibrations" and "energy" used in all sorts of ways. These terms are generically, indiscriminately and arbitrarily used to the point that any fifth-grade-teacher would call them "over-worked." But when you hear the word "no," or "can’t," or "stop," you experience an immediate resentment, perhaps ever so slightly. The reverse is also true. Words such as "yes," or "sure can," or "go ahead" are pleasing words that encourage. Thoughts are real things. Before the word, there is the thought. Thoughts provoke chemistry in the brain and words provoke emotion in the body and its glands which together release hormones and other secretions that cause a state of well-being or dis-ease to occur. The combination of a verbal response to what you are thinking about has a direct influence in a major way. When you are frustrated, sad, or feel that you have been a victim of injustice, resist the temptation to curse, or think murderous or self-destructive thoughts. All too often, a misguided person might say "life is a bitch," or "who cares." This brings great difficulty into their lives. Words have power and that power commences with the engine in mind. 
Recently I have been suggesting to clients and relatives they repeat this phrase out loud: "Relief and Prosperity, Relief and Prosperity, Relief and Prosperity." The results have been amazing. Immediately. a sense of calmness comes into the mind and the evidence that this is working is seen soon thereafter. Problems diminish in number and disperse. Like magic, solutions are found, and issues resolve themselves. This is evidence of relief. Evidence of prosperity is in the coincidences, gifts, and financial gains that come into your life. This is, of course, evidence of the power of words and thoughts of light within – your contemplative mind or soul mind. Let this phrase become your daily prayer, or mantra. Now a mantra need not be chanted or sung, as many would think. A mantra is merely the ancient practice of repeating a prayer, a thought. Mantras are primarily used as spiritual conduits, words, or vibrations that instill one-pointed concentration in the devotee. Let your mantra be "Relief and Prosperity" and then do everything in your power to be pleasant to others, courteous to strangers, and polite to all. And most of all, train yourself not to think as you did before.  

Question: Whenever I hear news about terrorist acts such as the recent attack in India, I am gripped by a paralyzing fear. What should I do?.

Answer:  What happens in your own environment is paramount to what you are responsible for. Knowing what you can or cannot do about something is the first step to keeping your peace within. Fears and rumors of far-away dilemmas should not create how you react to things close at hand. This will keep your eyes open and your mind clear. In order to bring an end to the terror caused by a bomb blast, each of us should first be careful to mind our thoughts. Rejecting evil, fearful thoughts from clouding your mind and spreading fear is a counter-measure to the intended weapon of the terrorist. Taking a hint from a martial arts practice - if you know a problem is up the street, avoid it by walking around the block. Form friendships and groups to support each other in times of uncertainty. There is strength in numbers. Be mindful that the world is made up of extraordinary human beings as well as lesser people who haven’t found their Spirit within. We are not abandoned by the Angels, Saints, and Avatars above. The world is unfolding as it should; and as we, the people of the world with free will and free choice, so determine. The sun shines on the good and the evil alike. The outcome of those misguided souls who cause suffering is that each of them receives exactly that that they give forth. The brutal and war-minded are doomed by their own hand; their cause is futile, and their efforts wasted. Their Karma is one of great self-inflicted agony. Evil cannot continue to exist because it consumes those that hate and cause pain. Fear not the fear of the terrorist but be prepared to protect yourself in all ways -- but do so with a clear mind and a strong heart. Call upon the goodness of the Light that it will shine upon the darkness and chase it away into all the nooks and crannies of the world. Mean people cannot exist when the community they live in rejects them. Mean-spirited people cannot exist when they cannot bully or rule by fear. Their lives are short, their Souls bound for the depths of darkness. Pray for peace, believe in God Almighty, and reject the shadows of fear.

K. Cottrell Inc., PO Box 423, Station B, London, ON, N6A 4W1, Canada. 1-877-268-8735

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Comments (7 of 9):
thank you humanly 18 y
Your're welcome!!! anne h… 20 y
Thank you, Anne! Liora Le… 20 y
Re: good one, Ann! anne h… 20 y
good one, Ann! Yourenchan… 20 y
No need to be conc… anne … 20 y
Hi Anne, I am conc… 9thbo… 20 y
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