Blog: Healer,Clairvoyant,Lecturer,Author - Douglas James Cottrell
by Anne H.

August 2008 Newsletter

August 2008 Newsletter

Date:   11/28/2008 10:12:21 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2506 times



"Now You're Scaring Me!" Smiley
The last Monday of each month, Douglas is a special guest on the Richard Syrett Show (CFRB radio 1010 Toronto). On July 28, the show ended with the Host exclaiming "now you're scaring me "! You see, Douglas had been taking calls from the listeners and giving amazingly accurate readings on the causes of their health problems. Near the close of the show, Syrett asked, "OK, how about me? But don't tell me anything bad." Douglas began to remote view Syrett and described how he had recently come back from vacation and was looking well. "Oh, I see you rubbing your fingers together…you've got dry skin." Richard replied, "I do that all the time, and I just thought it was a nervous action. That's amazing! Now you're scaring me!"
You can listen to the show in its entirety by clicking here.

Ask Douglas

Question: I would like some advice about curing my fear of bad things to come.

Answer:  What we think about consistently is really what we are praying for, as prayer is what we hold in our mind. This is what is meant by the Law of Attraction and Manifestation. What we pray for manifests quickly when amplified by strong emotions, like fear and worry. This is why when you are desperate and determined to find a solution, it comes easily. There is no doubt in your mind and you are completely focussed on a single thought. Now, it's hard to let go of fearful thoughts. We put ourselves in circumstances that challenge us, and this keeps life interesting. For the most part, however, we let our amazing achievements fade away and choose to focus on that one thing that went wrong. It's not out of the ordinary for a person to do 10 things well, yet if they make one little mistake they admonish themselves for days afterward. If this routine is repeated often enough it becomes normal behaviour, and, when continued, an unconscious habit. Why pray for bad things? Why focus on mistakes? It is a spiritual process that mistakes and errors are the stepping stones to success. Anyone afraid to make mistakes is afraid to learn. To date, you have survived and have learned. God will never give you more than you can handle. So the lesson is that no matter what comes to you in life, there is some benefit. Say to your self, "I can handle this, and if I make a mistake, I'll know better next time." Remember a successful person always does the things a failure is afraid to do. So to be successful, don't wait. Be brave and do the hard things. Then expect to have good things come to you as you do good things. Be cautious, as there are many people in the world who will take advantage of you (if you let them). Don't let them. Put yourself in new places where people are pleasant or happy, for you may just have new friends out there who you have yet to meet, who are willing to help you …. and you, them.

Past Issues

Have you missed one of our previous month's newsletters? We have all of our past issues archived online.

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August Message

08/08/2008 - Lucky Number Eight

Today is 08/08/2008. In numerology that means it’s a special day. It’s an 8 day. How is that determined? Add the year (2008) + the month (8) + the day (8) and you will get 2024. 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8. The number 8 in western numerology represents BIG things. Commonly reflecting FATE or KARMA the number 8 is a serious number. It’s the number of big Business, Government and major influences in the material aspects of life. It is sometimes referred to as the sign of infinity standing on end. In the East there is no better, fortuitous, or lucky number than 8. It is no accident that the Olympic Games had their opening today, as 8 is an especially lucky numer to the Chinese.
Spiritually, the number 8 refers to the business of the soul; the lessons everyone learns in the world during their life time (or their Karmic influences, life lessons, or purpose).
What is your life path number? To find out, add up the number in your date of birth. For example, someone born December 30, 1949 would take 12 + 30 +1949 = 1991. Next add these numbers together (1+ 9+ 9+ 1 = 20). Then add 2 + 0 = 2, for your life path.
Life path influences in brief:
1 Born leader with individualistic desires.
2 Negotiations, diplomacy, peacemaker.
3 Creative ability and exceptional communication.
4 Salt of earth, industrious, honourable, realistic.
5 Freedom, adventurousness and resourcefulness.
6 Homebody, caretaker, righteousness, and legal matters.
7 Life-long student and in-depth researcher.
8 Born executive. Ambitious and goal-oriented.
9 Fame and fortune, humanitarian, generous.

New Videos of Douglas Online
One of our associates has been using Douglas's Deep Trance Meditation ability to research a number of mysterious events, as well as to make predictions on the future. Thus far, he has uploaded 15 of these to the free video website, Youtube. These are fascinating clips on a broad range of topics including UFOs, Earth Changes, Stonehenge, Bermuda Triangle, Tunguska Event, Knights Templar, Crystal Skulls, Opening the Egyptian Hall of Records, and more. Click on each picture below to play its video.

"Douglas is The Real Deal - and I've Got the Jewellery To Prove It"
Hello Douglas. In the early 90's my Godmother had passed away in the hospital under some very strange circumstances. My Mother had been willed all of the contents of my Godmother's home. My Godmother had some jewellery, but it was nowhere to be found. The house had been packed up and was getting ready to be sold. We had searched everywhere, and had gone through everything and still we couldn't find the jewellery.  As a last ditch effort, so to speak, I thought "Why not try a psychic?" Now I have to tell you that I am very sceptical and I have had my doubts, and I feel many psychics claim to be something that they are not. I was told about Douglas and his abilities through a friend who had friends that had been to see him to recover a missing antique tea service. So I thought it was worth a try, although all of my family and friends assured me that I was throwing my money away. So I made the trip to London from Toronto.  Within minutes Douglas told me exactly where the jewelelry was hidden, with great detail and incredible accuracy. He said my Godmother had hidden it in the ceiling - and it turned out he was right!!! We never would have found it without Douglas and his abilities. He also explained to me what had happened to my Godmother while she was in hospital and what led to her death, with very specific, accurate detail, which helped bring some closure and some peace of mind. Now, I know that sceptics say that psychics are very vague and general when they give a reading, but my reading was incredibly specific. How much more proof does anyone need? Douglas is the real deal. I've got the jewellery to prove it!
- VG, Toronto, Canada


Coming Soon

August 25, 2008. Richard Syrett Show. CFRB 1010 Toronto. Douglas will be guest on this live show. Listen online at

September 18-22, 2008. The Path To Deep Trance Meditation. A course with Dougas in Port Stanley, Ontario (see details below).

Learn The Path To Deep Trance Meditation
Join Douglas in historic Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada, on the shores of Lake Erie, for a five-day course to help you find the path to Deep Trance Meditation. From September 18 to the 22, 2008, learn Deep Trance Meditation the way Douglas did, through intimate daily training. Course includes lectures, classes and hands-on workshops. If you intend to develop your meditation, become a medical intuitive, visit spiritual dimensions, access the Akashic Records, seek past life information, or to intuitively see the future, this course will help you develop your intuitive strengths by showing you ways and techniques to develop to your highest potential. This course is open to everyone! Cost is $700 and includes all course materials. Local accommodation is extra (details can be provided). To register now, click on this link or call Karen Cottrell toll-free at 1-877-268-8735

Dreams Book's Latest Book
Coming this fall is Douglas's next book, Dreams: The Language of the Soul. This book features all you need to know to decode the messages that come to you from the great beyond while you are in the altered consciousness state of sleep. From visitations to prophetic and symbolic dreams, this book has it all! Stay tuned for more information on how to order your copy.

Om Namaha Shivaya

Douglas recommends Om Namaha Shivaya by Robert Gass and On Wings of Song. This is one of our most popular selling meditation music CDs. We play this at all of Douglas's events, and are pleased to feature it this month in the Official Douglas James Cottrell Online Store. Click here to order, or call toll-free 1-877-268-8735.





©2008 K. Cottrell Inc. All rights reserved.

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Comments (7 of 9):
thank you humanly 18 y
Your're welcome!!! anne h… 20 y
Thank you, Anne! Liora Le… 20 y
Re: good one, Ann! anne h… 20 y
good one, Ann! Yourenchan… 20 y
No need to be conc… anne … 20 y
Hi Anne, I am conc… 9thbo… 20 y
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