Please Help: Peace Movement Empowerment Circle
Many people are relieved to have elected a president who may bring real change. Let's help empower the Peace Movement so we can bring positive change that will endure.
Date: 11/26/2008 4:10:16 PM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 3258 times It dawned on me this morning that the best way to help people start careers that support a new culture of World Peace and undermine the culture of war and greed is for the Peace Movement to organize better and promote such careers.
So to help the Peace Movement organize better, I thought I'd start inviting Peace supporters to form a Peace Movement Empowerment Circle.
So I invite Peace supporters to form such a Circle now.
Help Needed: Writing, editing, phoning, message forwarding, publicity, meeting, planning, discussing, teaching, helping, website work, art etc.
VOLUNTEERS: If you can help, see below or go here:
The recent U.S. presidential campaign and election shows a widespread desire or determination for meaningful change in society.
This is an opportunity for further empowering the peace movement and actually bringing lasting change.
Here is a short plan I've drafted, showing what it seems peace supporters must do in order to achieve this.
Peace Movement Empowerment
1. Ask Peace supporters to form a Peace Movement Empowerment Circle;
2. PME Circle promote careers that support world peace & boycott careers that support the culture of war and greed;
3. PME Circle elect a majority of Peace supporters to government offices.
1. Define & identify peace groups & compatible people; then decide how to self-organize; then self-organize/coordinate existing peace groups & compatible people in PME Circle;
- Peace groups support nonviolence and boycott violence in society;
- Compatible people do not support violence in society;
- Proper organizing must be non-authoritarian;
- Peace groups can self-organize by exchanging representatives and coordinating intergroup plans;
- Compatible people & groups can exchange representatives with peace groups' outer circle groups;
- Outer circle groups exchange representatives with inner circle groups;
2. Identify peace & non-peace careers; then promote peace careers & boycott non-peace careers;
- Peace careers are: -- 1. Freedom Philosophy & Activism; -- 2. Natural Diet & Healthcare; -- 3. Permaculture & Organic Growing; -- 4. Alternative Technology; -- 5. Arts & Crafts; 6. Alternative Finance; etc.
- Non-peace careers include:
-- 1. Authoritarian Philosophy & Activism;
-- 2. all Big Businesses whose owners support Authoritarianism, Violence and War, including (1) Big Banks & Law Firms, (2) Major Media, (3) War Industry, (4) Prison Industry, (5) Drug Companies, (6) Agribusiness, (7) Big Food Companies, (8) Major Manufacturers etc;
-- 3. Governments that support pre-emptive war, inhumane imprisonment, or other authoritarianism;
-- 4. Schools that support compulsory education, the war industry, or other authoritarianism;
3. Replace non-peace supporters in government etc with peace supporters;
- This likely requires that Peace supporters, which seems to include primarily Progressives/Liberals and Libertarians, co-operate with each other much better than they have in the past; so the PME Circle should encourage such co-operation, such as by encouraging discussions about settling differences.
- The main tasks that would need doing for this seem to be message forwarding, phone calling, teaching and website design.
- CALL or EMAIL: Someone needs to call or email Peace groups and Peace supporters to ask them to join the Peace Movement Empowerment Circle; the Circle could interact mostly online.
- TEACH, ADVISE, or ASSIST: Someone needs to teach or provide info to people about Peace Careers (like those listed above) and why & how to help the peace movement.
- WEBSITE DESIGN: Someone needs to design websites so as to maximize effective interaction among users.
VOLUNTEERS: If you can help, please go here
This project is supported by Golden Eagle Friends School a Free School that plans to teach careers at no cost, that support a new culture of World Peace.
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