Day 13
Late start...
Date: 11/13/2008 7:13:16 AM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1782 times Weight this morning 186.4
Well, I worked my serving job last night. All the food looked so good again, mainly the salad bar though. Probably because I know I can eat that here soon at least. I didn't get to bed last night until late. I had a migraine starting by the time I got home, I think due to the heat being to high at the restaraunt. So I took a hot bath and had my smooth move.
I could not get out of bed at 4am this morning, and didn't crawl out of it until 5:10. I didn't do the salt water this morning, I did bring some smooth move with me to work, but I'm not sure about drinking it since I'm going to the movies tonight. The smooth move I drank last night kicked in once I got to work, ugh. So the first 20 minutes of the day I was in the bathroom. I'm feeling better now. So I'll just play it by ear today.
More later.
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