Blog: Sym's healthy trials
by symara

Day 12

A little tired (but that's my own fault)

Date:   11/12/2008 8:36:40 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1631 times

Weight this morning : 186.8

Last night went fairly well. The last couple days, around 8:30 9pm I have been having some BMs. Then I drank my tea, but I went to bed kind of late.

So I'm a little tired this morning. Got up at 4:20am and had my SW flush and made my lemonade. Of course, I only really made enough to get me through today at work, not really enough for tonight at my Serving job. I have to figure out when I'll have time to make some.

I won (with my husband's help) a radio contest this morning! Yay me. A gift card for a nice dinner and some tickets to the track and a movie premiere. I'll be taking lemonade and water with me to the premiere tomorrow night, it's for the new james bond movie. We'll see how it goes. There will be 4 of us now, since I won a pair last week also. I get these lucky spurts where I win a bunch of stuff and then I'm dry for awhile. Like it's been a year since I've won anything. Yes, I know, a lot of people never win anything.

Two more days to go (after today). I can't wait to have something different. I'm getting sick of the lemonade. I can't wait for the orange juice and broth! I'll keep blogging for probably the first week after the cleanse at least, to let everyone know of the after affects.

Well, I'll be back later.

Oh yeah, and I thought I would just come back and say, someone around me is eating honey nut cheerios or something similar. I smell it and it smells awesome! I want some cereal :(....

I forgot the TMI stuff earlier. When I had my BMs this morning it was mostly mucus. There were however, some kind of rope type things, that I think was maybe just mucus and maybe the plaque everyone talks about. It was the same color as the mucus though, and no black tar that everyone talks about, so I'm not sure. I'm pretty positive that they weren't parasites, at least I hope not. They didn't look like worms, or even dense enough to be worms or anything.

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