Day 11
Cleansing crisis? or just the way it goes.
Date: 11/11/2008 6:37:42 AM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1546 times weight this morning 187.2
It doesn't suprise me it's slowing down on the weight loss. I wasn't expecting it to last. I also didn't go for my regular walk last night. My husband and I fell asleep on the couch last night watching TV, it was cold and we had blankets. :)
I did end up having a BM last night before we actually went to bed, I've started doing that instead of it only being in the mornings. Nothing out of the ordinary though in it that I could tell.
When I got up this morning, I made the salt water flush a little hot and had trouble getting it down. My body just didn't like it hot, so I got half of it down and that was it. I did have a couple of BMs though before work. I noticed they seem to be mostly a mucus type slime that sinks to the bottom. There was one that was kind of stringy that freaked my out at first, I thought I was gonna have evidence of parasites. I looked at it closer and it was just the mucus. I was so relieved. Right now I just don't want to know. I'll deal with that after the holidays.
So I got to work and had another BM, the toilets automatically flush, so I didn't get a chance to check it. I feel a little nasious (sp?) due to the salt water this morning, but at the same time a little hungry. I'll have to drink some lemonade here soon. I drank about a 1/2 cup before coming in this morning.
My lower abdomen is cramping a lot, not sure why. Maybe it's a healing/cleanse crisis that has to do with my IBS. It's not only just happening when I have to go to the bathroom.
I have PT today, good thing they called me, I completely forgot. So I'll be working out there for a while today :). I still want to take the dog for a walk today though. I just hope I have enough lemonade with me to get me home after running. I have to get more water, and then pick my husband up from a business dinner. It's going to be a busy day, speaking of which, I guess I need to get to work.
So it's 11:18 and my day is going pretty slow, even though I have lots of work to do. I'm a little hungry, but really just don't feel like drinking the lemonade. I think I'm in a rut. My lower tummy is feeling better, I'm just in a grumpy mood today. Nothing in particular is bugging me, just a mood I'm in.
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