Master Cleanse Nov 4 - ? 2008
Winter 2008 Master Cleanse. I plan for it to be 10 days - 21 days.
Date: 11/8/2008 2:31:48 AM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2116 times Plan: I am aiming for a minimum 10-day cleanse. I am concurrently involved in a fat-reduction, strength-building competition run online by Turbulence Training, so I have to keep my circuit training in mind when determining the length of this cleanse. If I feel strong enough, I will try to continue for up to 21 days, or until my weight is around 42 - 45 kg. I don't want to go below that weight. I am 5'0" and that weight would be light but still healthy.
Method: Every day I will drink the following:
6 - 10 glasses of lemonaide (in each, 2 T lemon juice, 2 T maple syrup, 1/8 t cayenne pepper or more, 250 ml water)
8 - 10 glasses of water
1-2 cups senna tea at night (using only one tea bag)
Mint tea as desired
Kidney Cleanse tea (from Andreas Moritz) to aid the kidneys in removal of toxins, as needed
Banaba Tea to aid the kidneys, prevent stone formation, and regulate blood sugar levels, as needed
Detoxing: As needed,
Detox foot pads (nightly)
Detox bath (1 cup Epsom Salts, 1 cup baking soda, bathe 30 minutes, follow up with a cool shower, go to bed)
8 - 10 hours sleep nightly (I need more sleep, it helps to detox and gives the body a chance to rest and rebuild)
Walking (measured in steps). Mild low-impact exercise in a tree-filled park next to a river helps to move lymph in the body and exercise my lungs, both aiding in moving toxins to an exit point
Supplements: As needed
In the course of using Fitday to support my TT Contest, I've discovered that the MC's ingredients are well below the RDAs in nutrients in all except a few nutrients. So, even though it might stress the liver a little, I think minimal supplementation might actually assist the body's rebuilding efforts and help resist the Herxheimer Effect. I understand that some people are adamantly against supplementation during the MC, and so I chose to report this in my own blog. This is a departure from the traditional, hard-core Master Cleanse, and a result of my prior experiences with at least 5 other MCs. All supplements contain minimal calories.
Calcium, 500 mg/caplet
Magnesium (various forms), 250 mg/caplet
Vitamin C (various forms), 1000 mg/caplet
Chlorella, 1 g
Vitamin E (in an oil-based capsule), 400 IU
As in my first blog, I will set this up in stages, but all will be reported in this same link. Other links will be devoted to other health issues.
Day 1, Tuesday Nov 4:
Weight: 51.6 kg, 26.0% bf
pH, Morning: U = 6.8, S = 6.0; Evening U = 7.2, S = 6.0
Morning Salt water flush.
6 glasses of lemonaid.
3 teacups Moritz Kidney tea
2 cups Senna tea
TT Workout
10,476 Steps
Toxin Symptoms: White appeared on my tongue later in the day.
I didn't use supplements, as I felt strong. I didn't realize it at the time, but my water consumption was down, and so the white toxins appeared on my tongue the next day and were particularly sticky and hard to remove. I felt hungry all day, but the drinks kept that at bay. I drank the Moritz tea during the morning and afternoon, and senna tea at night (finally learned how to read "Senna" in Japanese, it's easy to find here). All bms this day were semi-solid, more watery toward the end of the day, and from the afternoon, all had large amounts of mucus. I slept well.
Day 2, Wednesday Nov 5:
Weight: 50.5 kg, 25.2% bf.
pH Morning: U = 5.5, S = 6.5; Ev: U = 5.7, S = 6.0
Morning Salt water flush.
9 glasses of lemonaid.
2 teacups Moritz Kidney tea
2 sets of supplements
2 cups Senna tea
10,761 Steps
Detox Pads
Toxin Symptoms: White on my tongue was heavy and difficult to remove with a toothbrush. Bad breath. Heavy sneezing later in the day and mucus discharge from nose and colon. I felt confused. Mild nausea and a headache.
I made an error while making my day's supply of lemonaid, and wound up with 16 T of lemonaid. So, I made 8 glasses of the lemonaid (in addition to the fresh one I drank while making the rest) and drank them all during the day. I had lots of energy but took in more calories than I needed. During the day, I learned that I could tolerate more than 2 shakes of cayenne (about 1/8 tsp) and so increased during the day to 4 shakes of cayenne (1/4 tsp) for each drink. I mix the lemon and maple syrup and carry it in a small glass bottle, and add roughly 4 T or approx 1/4 cup to bottled water that I buy during the day, and add the cayenne pepper at that time. I'd read on the forum that if you add the cayenne pepper from the beginning, it increases in strength way beyond what you started with. So I added it while mixing the lemon and maple syrup with water, each time. I noticed that my thumbs and finger tips were getting numb, so I supplemented with Vitamin C, and a few hours later the numbness had vanished. That is when I decided to use the supplements I mentioned above, and started using them this day. Today, I had 2 sets of all the supplements. I had a lot of isolated bms today, all liquid, and lost count after 5 (the minimum I try for each day). Unlike my long MC from last year, they were spread throughout the day, as in Day 1. I lost my hunger during the day, so it was hard to drink all the prepared lemonaid, but I did. I drank 2 cups of senna tea, put detox patches on my feet, and went to bed. I think I slept for 10 hours.
Body change: - 1.1 kg, -0.8 % bf
Stage 2
Day 3, Thursday Nov 6:
Weight: 50.6 kg, 25.3% bf.
pH M: U = 5.7, S = 6.0
Morning Salt water flush.
5 glasses of lemonaid.
2 teacups Moritz Kidney tea
1 set of supplements
Detox Bath
2 cups Senna tea
911 Steps
Detox Pads
Toxin Symptoms: White on my tongue was too heavy and sticky to remove with a toothbrush. Bed breath. I felt mildly nauseous, lethargic, confused, and still had a mild headache. Dry lips and skin on face and backs of hands.
Day off of work. My appetite has vanished. I felt nauseous for most of the day, and so spent much of the day in bed, snoozing and reading. I didn't start with the lemonaid until late afternoon. It was difficult to consume anything. While catching up with my Fitday entries in the evening, I realized that I had fallen behind in water consumption, which might be part of the reason the toxin signs were so strong. I immediately drank several cups of water, and saw that the dryness in my lips and skin went away a few hours later. I started preparing for tomorrow's work and wound up not going to bed until 4 am, so I only got 2 hours sleep at night (although I had a nap in the morning and in the afternoon as well, 2 hours each, so I thought I'd be ok).
Body Change: -1.0 kg, -0.7 bf%
Day 4, Friday Nov 7
Weight: forgot
pH, M: U = 5.5, S = 5.5
Morning Salt water flush.
6 glasses of lemonaid.
1 teacup Moritz Kidney tea
1 set of supplements
11,617 Steps
TT Workout
11 glasses water
No Senna tea: Day off (to prevent addiction)
Detox Pads
Toxin Symptoms: White on my tongue was too heavy and sticky to remove with a toothbrush. I felt better, physically, mentaly, and emotionally, and my headache was gone. Very bad breath, and I still have a tendency for dry lips and skin on face and backs of hands.
This is my busiest work day. I'm out of the house from 7:30 am - 10:30 pm, and when possible, I walk home from my last teaching assignment. I didn't walk home this evening because it was raining. I had a 2-hour nap in the afternoon, which really helped. I had a mild headache due to the rain, and wanted to do another TT training session despite still being quite sore from a few days ago, so took pain killers when I got home and did the training. I was too exhausted later to go for my usual post-training interval walk. I discovered today that the metabolism slowdown is definitely occuring, because my student commented that it was really warm (she was wearing a t-shirt) and I was cold enough to be shivering (I was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, a sweater, and a kairo, a Japanese warming pad).
Day 5, Saturday Nov 9
Weight: 50.0 kg, 24.8% bf
pH M: U = 6.0, S = 5.5; E: U = 5.5
Morning Salt water flush.
6 glasses of lemonaid.
1 set of supplements
2,551 Steps
8 glasses water
Senna tea
Detox Pads
Toxin Symptoms: White on my tongue was too heavy and sticky to remove with a toothbrush. I felt better, physically, mentaly, and emotionally, and my headache was gone. Mild moments of nausea. Very bad breath, and I still have a tendency for dry lips and skin on face and backs of hands.
Day off work; party in the evening. I had a good sleep, and spent much of the afternoon in bed as well, reading and dozing. When I finally got up, I felt waves of energy followed by waves of lethargy. It was strange. It is 5 pm now, and I haven't had any lemonaids yet, but plan to take some to the party. I've lost count of my bms today, it must be around 8 or so, all liquid, of course, and now only occasionally with mucus. BM water is clear, with small grains of matter at the bottom of the bowl, although the water turned murky later, after drinking lemonaide with lots of cayenne. My hands and feet are icy, and I'm having a hard time staying warm. It's raining again, so although a fast walk would have helped, I didn't want to walk in the rain. My walking rate today will be down. Walking would have helped maintain a higher metabolic rate. I hope the cayenne helps. I've noticed that larger doses of cayenne are followed by nausea and later by the expelling of noxious substances such as mucus. The nausea might not be a bad sign after all, just a sign that toxins are being mobilized in the gut. I drank some of the lemonaides before the party, and the rest at the party, as well as several large glasses of water.
Body Change: - 1.6 kg, - 1.2 bf%
Day 6, Sunday Nov 10
Weight: 49.9 kg, 24.7% bf
pH M: S = 6.5; E: U = 5.4, S = 6.0
Morning Salt water flush.
7 glasses of lemonaid.
1 set of supplements
10,669 Steps
TT Workout
7 glasses water
2 cups Senna tea
1 cup Moritz Kidney tea
Detox bath
Toxin Symptoms: White on my tongue was too heavy and sticky to remove with a toothbrush. I felt mildly nauseous, lethargic, and unmotivated for most of the day. Several pimples have appeared on both sides of my nostrils, and one on my right cheek. White face. Very bad breath, and I still have a tendency for dry skin on my face, around my chin. Lots of nasal mucus today. Emotionally, I was distant and didn't want to be touched in any way - mentally, emotionally or physically. Almost, but not quite, in a bad mood.
I think I need some magnesium. I ran out of detox foot pads so have to buy new ones asap, they seem to help.
Body Change: -1.7 kg, -1.3 bf%
Day 7, Monday Nov 10
Weight: 49.4 kg, 24.4% bf
pH M: S = 6.0; E: U = 5.5, S = 6.3
Morning Salt water flush.
6 glasses of lemonaid.
12,582 Steps
6 glasses water
Toxin Symptoms: White on my tongue was too heavy and sticky to remove with a toothbrush. The white substance is spreading to the back of my throat and the roof of my mouth. Once I get the detox pads, this should stop. Moments of nausea. Lots of nasal mucus. I still have a flat mood, but I'm not irritable anymore. The nasal discharge stopped in the evening. Strange bms in the morning, compared to other MCs. My hands and feet are icy.
Bms were surprising today; for the first time since Day 1, I expelled some semi-solid matter early in the morning. I was too sleepy to take a good look, but a brief glance showed that it was not mucoid matter. This might have been a result of the higher doses of cayenne pepper I've added to the lemonaides lately. I had 3 more bms like this, all with maybe 1/2 cup or more of what I'll call "digestive debris." The amount was much more than would be expected by putting all of my supplements the past few days together at once, so it's more than the supplements. Until this debris was eliminated, I felt nauseous minutes before getting the urge to evacuate. I still have very bad breath, but the dryness seems to have passed for now. The pimples next to my nostrils are fading but that area is noticably red, as if I have a cold. The pimple on my cheek is gone. I have a busy day planned for tomorrow (Tuesdays are my 2nd busiest day), being out from 10 am - 9 pm, and including a fair amount of walking, rain or no rain. I tried to get detox footpads today, and I did get some, but they make your feet cold (and thus are a relief in the summer), which is the worst thing for me and my cold hands and feet right now! Yikes! Back to the original drugstore to get the top-rated HOT detox pads tomorrow! I might have a detox bath tomorrow night, too, as today's detoxing was lax. Right now, I'm recording this at 3 am because I can't sleep, and it's too late for chamomile tea. I took a magnesium pill 2 hours ago, but magnesium oxide is notoriously useless with it's low absorption rate. I will look for magnesium citrate downtown, to be used as a nutritional supplement. Magnesium oxide is great for a laxative - which I don't need right now. I've had at least 10 bms today, probably more. I didn't drink senna tea because I have an early start tomorrow. With senna tea, I always want to wait until the 3 or so morning bms are done to measure my weight & bf before drinking the salt water, and tomorrow morning I just won't have the time to indulge. My mood seems to be relaxing a bit, but I'm still distant.
Body Change: -2.2 kg, -1.6 bf%
Stage 3
Day 8, Tuesday Nov 11 2008
Weight: Forgot.
pH M: U = 6.0, S = 5.5; E: U = 5.8, S = 6.0
Morning Salt water flush.
6 glasses of lemonaid.
1 set of supplements
10,864 Steps
TT Workout
8 glasses water
2 teacups Senna tea
Detox Pads
Toxin Symptoms: White on my tongue was really thick, furry-looking, and too heavy and sticky to remove with a toothbrush. Brief moments of nausea, usually before a bm. The pimples beside by nostrils have faded, but the area still looks a little red. I noticed that my legs are weak when climbing stairs. Some movement in the liver, suggesting the formation or movement of stones. Very bad breath, and I still have a tendency for dry lips and skin.
I can see the effects of the detox footpads - when I don't use them, the coating on my tongue gets really thick. It is immediately noticable when I open my mouth to speak. I'm beginning to feel more emotionally free. The movement in my liver happened much later in this MC than in any other, suggesting that stones didn't start forming until now. That makes me wonder if stone formation is partly due to under-nutrition? I really focused on optimizing my nutrition (at low calories) before starting the MC. Also, maybe doing workouts might affect (slow down) the development of stones.
Day 9, Wednesday Nov 12
Weight: 49.0 kg, 24.0% bf
pH E: U = 5.7, S = 6.0
Morning Salt water flush.
6 glasses of lemonaid.
1 teacup Banaba tea
1 set of supplements
15,085 Steps
5 glasses water
2 teacups Senna tea
Detox Pads
Toxin Symptoms: The coating on my tongue was lighter and I was able to remove some of it with a toothbrush. The white coating left the roof of my mouth and throat. I feel more positive than I have in about a week. I still have very bad breath, and I still have a tendency for dry lips and skin on my face.
I didn't drink enough water today, although the tea makes up the 3 glasses I missed. The detox pads made a big difference with the coating on my tongue. Some movement in the liver. I just realized that I haven't developed travelling skin-coloured moles on my neck and face, like I have on all prior MCs. I felt hungry today, although I drank my usual amount of lemonaide. I felt the movement of mucoid plaque in the left descending colon, but nothing came out. My pants are starting to drag on the ground, from weight loss/body shape changes.
Body Change: -2.6 kg; -2.0 bf%
Day 10, Thursday Nov 13
Weight: 48.5 kg, 23.8% bf
pH M: S = 5.5.
Morning Salt water flush.
6 glasses of lemonaid.
3 teacups Moritz Kidney tea
1 set of supplements
15,882 Steps
TT Training
6 glasses water
No Senna tea: To avoid addiction.
Detox Pads
Toxin Symptoms: The coating on my tongue was lighter and I was able to remove some of it with a toothbrush. The white coating returned to the roof of my mouth and throat, but I was able to brush it off. It returned within the hour. I feel optimistic. My breath seems to be a little better. I wasn't as dry on the lips and skin on my face as before. I've had pimples on my face (near left eye and right cheek) for 2 days, but the redness around the nostrils is gone.
Body Change: -3.1 kg; -2.2 bf%
Day 11, Friday Nov 14 2008
Weight: 48.6 kg, 23.8 %bf
pH M: U = 5.5, S = 5.5
Morning Salt water flush.
6 glasses of lemonaid.
1 set of supplements
18,204 Steps
8 glasses water
2 teacups Senna tea
Detox Pads
Detox Bath
Toxin Symptoms: White on my tongue was light and some could be removed with a toothbrush, although there were a few hours in the afternoon when it was heavy and coated my teeth. The pimples on my face have turned into what look like freckles. My legs are weak when climbing stairs. There was a constant and annoying irritated pressure point high in the liver region, suggesting the formation of stones, but in the evening it vanished. My breath is much better. My lips are still dry.
I felt like I was retaining water this morning and still feel a little bloated. This was almost certainly due to not drinking senna tea last night, plus my period will be here soon. I imagine it will be hard to lose weight over the next few days, but that will be followed by a big drop. I'm concerned about my low pH; this tends to drain the immune system, and this is cold and flu season. I went for an extra walk in the afternoon rather than take the streetcar to work, and wound up walking much further today than anticipated. The detox bath should soothe my leg and back muscles. I went to check my pH, only to discover that I'd run out of pH paper. I might be able to get some from a pet store (for checking aquarium water). I'll order more soon, but won't see it for a week.
I'm doing better on this MC than any other so far. I haven't felt dizzy yet, and the moodiness of the first few days was not as bad as before. So I'll keep on going for a little while later. I decided this after standing infront of the lunchbox section of the convenience store, gazing greedily at all those unhealthy meals! I guess I miss meat the most.
Body Change: -3.0 kg; -2.2 bf%
Day 12, Saturday Nov 15 2008
Weight: 47.8 kg, 23.1 %bf
pH E: U = 6.0, S = 6.5
Morning Salt water flush.
5 glasses of lemonaid.
1 set of supplements
8,925 Steps
3 glasses water
2 teacups Senna tea
Detox Pads
Toxin Symptoms: White was heavy and furry in the evening. The pimples on my face still look like freckles. My legs are ok. The pressure point in the liver region was gone. My breath is much better. My lips are still dry. I felt mildly nauseous with intestinal discomfort in the morning both while the senna tea debris was leaving, and when the salt water flush was leaving my system. The mental fog seems to have lifted.
I fogot to drink water today!
Body Change: - 3.8 kg, - 2.9 % bf
Day 13, Sunday Nov 16 2008
Weight: 47.8 kg, 23.1 %bf
pH M: forgot
Morning Salt water flush.
1 glass of lemonaid.
Lung supplements
12,428 Steps
8 glasses water
2 teacups Senna tea
Detox Pads
Toxin Symptoms: In the morning, the white on my tongue was heavy and coated my entire mouth, including my front teeth. By late evening, it was light. The one pimple under my left eye seems to have turned into a raised mole. My legs are strong at times and weak at times. I felt nauseous all day and couldn't bring myself to drink the lemonaide, so did a water fast today. The nausea seemed to disperse once I went out for a short walk to go to a lesson, so I took advantage of that respite and got my day's walking in. I passed some mucus in bms in the afternoon, and had a heavy nasal discharge in the evening. The nausea returned after drinking my evening senna. My breath is much better. My lips are still dry, but respond to water.
I'm not sure what caused the day-long nausea. It could have been the intestinal disturbance caused by the senna tea and salt water flush plus staying in bed in the morning and part of the afternoon (thus not moving the toxins out by being upright). It could have been the lung supplements I took. It could have been my period, which was quite heavy yesterday and today, and the medicine I took for that. It could have been that the flu which my students were suffering from on Friday finally caught up with me. It responded to drinking plain water and walking, at least while I was doing it. As soon as I laid down again for a few hours, it returned. Hm! Despite the low calories today, I still haven't had a true moment of dizziness, unlike other MCs. So, I've done something right when preparing for this. Unfortunately, I've skipped TT training the past 2 days due to nausea, and that's been helping to maintain my metabolism. I hope I feel well enough tomorrow to do it.
Body Change: - 3.8 kg, - 2.9 % bf
Day 14, Monday Nov 17 2008
Weight: 47.4 kg, 22.7 %bf
pH M: forgot
Morning Salt water flush.
5 glasses of lemonaid.
No supplements - in case this caused nausea
No Steps - still feel like crap, a little dizzy
8 glasses water
NoSenna tea - avoid colon dependence on it
Detox Pads
Toxin Symptoms: All day, the white on my tongue was heavy and coated my entire mouth, including my front teeth. My breath became foul again. The mole/pimple under my left eye is still there; I wonder if it will be gone by the end of the MC. My legs are weak. I felt nauseous all day. Even being upright and climbing the stairs once did not ease it. My breath is still foul. I passed mucus in bms and nasally all day. My lips are still dry, but respond to water.
Despite avoiding absolutely any supplement that might have caused a bad reaction, I felt even worse today. I think I've got the flu. This particular flu tends to last 2 weeks (according to others who have the same symptoms), so we'll see if the increased immune system Burroughs claims during the MC is able to fight this off. I want to do TT, but I can't, especially as I feel weak and dizzy.
Day 15, Tuesday Nov 18 2008
Weight: 47.4 kg, 22.7 %bf
pH M: forgot
Morning Salt water flush.
6 glasses of lemonaid.
Chlorella only, at night
14,543 steps
7 glasses water
2 teacups Senna tea
Detox Pads
Toxin Symptoms: The white on my tongue was heavy in the morning but much lighter in the evening, although the back of my throat was still slimy. My breath improved by the evening. The mole/pimple under my left eye is still there. My legs are stronger and I feel more energetic, from the afternoon on. My lips are still dry because I'm not drinking enough water. I did not pass mucus today, and my nasal passages cleared in the afternoon. Walking this morning seemed to help.
It's official: I have the flu. It's also much shorter than the flu others around me are experiencing. If I feel better tomorrow, I will do a good TT workout. I'm anxious to keep that up so that I can keep up my metabolism, which seems to have suffered from the inactivity the past few days. I'm so cold!
Also, I had a coffee (with cream and sugar) and a shortbread cookie in the evening. I just couldn't stand not eating anymore. I did not experience the wild energy swings that I did during the last MC I did this, but then this is only Day 15. However, my liver did NOT appreciate the fatty cookie. I felt mild pain under the ribs. That put to rest my wild fantasies about breaking off the MC and having some fried chicken.
Day 16, Wednesday Nov 19 2008
Weight: 47.2 kg, 22.8 %bf
pH M: forgot
Morning Salt water flush.
3 glasses of lemonaid.
probiotics and digestive enzymes
4,862 steps
5 glasses water
2 teacups Senna tea
Detox Pads
Toxin Symptoms: The white on my tongue was medium and there was some coating in my mouth. My breath was sometimes bad, sometimes unnoticable. The mole/pimple under my left eye is smaller. My legs are stronger and I feel more energetic,. I seem to be weakest in the mornings, while waiting for the salt water to do its thing, and my strength returns with the first cup of lemonaid. My lips are still dry because I'm not drinking enough water. Some nasal mucus in the afternoon.
I broke the fast today after being trapped on the train with someone carrying McDonald's food. The smell was too much, with my recent cravings for fried food. I had orange juice (from a carton) in a coffee shop, then took probiotics and digestive enzymes before eating 300 grams of coated, skin-covered deep-fried chicken. Later, I had indigestion, but the irritation which has been in the liver region since last night's coffee vanished.
I will break the fast properly over the next few days.
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