Day 7
Wow a full week!
Date: 11/7/2008 5:50:59 AM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1697 times Weight - 190.8
So yesterday evening went fairly well. My husband and I went for a drive after work in the convertable. It was nice, and I had some lemonade left over from work, so when we stopped for coffee at McD's, I just filled up my water bottle with lemonade and drank that on the way back home. I've noticed that coffee smells great right now. I just want to keep smelling it, it's probably because I miss it.
Last night went well, after I got home I took the dog for a walk, then a hot epsom salt bath. I have not felt like a headache or migraine since I took the bath! Drank the tea then went to bed.
I did have a little problem getting out of bed this morning, I didn't get in bed til 9:30 so that's probably why, and then trying to get up at 4am. I finally got up at 4:20. Drank most of my saltwater, probably about a 1/4 cup left. Made my lemonade while drinking the salt water. Went to the bathroom 3 times before we left for work. All three were mostly liquid, but there is still a good amount of solid matter coming out. Where is it coming from? Or do I even want to know. I haven't had any really strange colors or anything, so it all seems fairly normal, except for the liquid part. I do think I may have hemroids though, I have some swelling, but it doesn't really hurt anymore, it itches, so I think it must be healing.
I drank down one glass of lemonade before even leaving for work and felt so full I almost couldn't get it all down. That was at 6am, now it's 6:50 and I'm already starting to feel a little hungry, so I guess I need to drink some more.
I'll need to go get more water tonight or tomorrow morning. Depending on what we have planned, I'll figure it out then.
More later...
So it's 9AM now and I'm having a slightly tough day. I've been craving scrambled eggs. And then I was on the Weight watchers forums and they were talking about balogna sandwiches... I might have to stay away from the board for another week.
My stomach has that burning empty sensation, not really a hunger, but still an empty burning. Maybe it's just the cayenne. Well, I'm gonna have some detox herbal tea and see how I feel after that. I think the main thing is the day is going really slow cuz it's friday. At least it is friday, I'm finding this easier to do at home than at work for some reason.
It's 12 now, I told you this day was gonna be long...
I just had a lemonade, usually i've had quite a few by now, but this is only my second. I think it may have to do with checking out the whole parasite cleanse thing. At this point in time, I've decided I don't want to know. Maybe after the new year I'll try it.
My butt has started to itch from it healing after the beating it took the first couple of days. I would love to use some tucks or whatever, but don't want to interfere with the cleanse. I'll just wait it out I guess.
They are eating chili in one of the offices, it smells awesome. I don't know how healthy I'm gonna end up being after this cleanse. Maybe my mind will turn around after this week. I think I'm going to just do the 14 days, I might go ahead and go through that Sunday and break the fast on Monday. It might be a little easier than trying to break the fast on Sat and wanting to put anything and everything in my mouth. Food for thought...
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