Blog: Sym's healthy trials
by symara

Day 6

Still going strong, and winning!

Date:   11/6/2008 6:27:35 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2021 times

Wow I can't believe I made it this far!!!

I weighed in this mornign at 191.0. I wish I had known my real start weight but that's not what this is for, right?

I think last I wrote yesterday I had just gotten rid of my migraine and needed to go for water. I went for water and picked up some groceries for my husband. I also picked up some epsom salts for baths and a migraystick, for migraines. Will see how well it works.

I had to go to work at my second job serving last night. So I filled a 20 oz water bottle with lemonade and went on in. Last night was pretty hard, being around all the food, but I made it.

I have dreamt about food for the last 3 nights. I have dreamt that I'm on the cleanse, and forget momentarily when I'm putting something in my mouth and eat it. And the food is really good in my dreams also. Oh well, I guess that's where I'll get all my taste of solid food for now.

Well, I got up at 4 am this morning and went through the routine (sp?). Saltwater flush, making lemonade, then I actually got ready for work. No migraines today! Now I'm at work, at my desk drinking a lemonade. We were on our way in and found out the local radio station was live on location near us, so we stopped. They had free breakfast from Panera Bread. Oh man, it smelled so good. I was good though, I even picked up a cinnamon crunch bagel for my friend here at work and they are my favorite. I did win tickets for the preview of the new James Bond movie. I told my husband he could take my mom's husband if they want to go (I'm not a huge James Bond fan like they both are). I actually have Bunco that night, but I almost want to go, so I can just sit there sipping on lemonade at the theatre though, instead of fighting the urge to binge on the food my Mother In-law prepared for bunco (she is a great cook). It will be a good test for me.

It's almost 11am now and I'm starting to feel hungry again. Time for some lemonade.

It hasn't been to hard at work today, I haven't been falling asleep at my desk like I usually do, but I am tired. I think it's just sitting here that makes me tired.

I haven't had any BMs since I got to work, thank god! I was afraid for that. I have a feeling that I'm going to miss eating in the break room with my husband for the next couple weeks, but we have both been so busy lately we haven't done much of that anyway. Oh well, the hard part will be when everyone around me in this cubicle farm has food and I'm smelling it. Of course, if I was able to control myself last night, I can control myself now.

I forgot to mention earlier, I pretty much slept through the night last night without my back waking me up. I don't know if it's the cleanse, the epidruals, or a mixture of both, but I don't feel like I'm in pain all the time. I still have to go to PT next week (Drs orders), but I'm just glad I'm feeling better.

It's a little after 2pm. I just walked over to the Deli with my friend here. It smelled so good, and everything looked so good. I'm going to eat their veggie wrap when I'm able to eat some solid foods. Maybe one day I'll try their Gyro also... but not soon, at least that's what I'm telling myself now.

I felt like I was starving when I got back to my desk and drank a lemonade in about 1 minute. I feel like I have a headache coming on also, so I'm going to use that migrastick thing I got and see if it will head it off.

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