Blog: Sym's healthy trials
by symara

Day 5

Awful morning.... It can only get better.

Date:   11/5/2008 10:46:06 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1978 times

I forgot to weigh this morning before the salt water flush and my first lemonade. I went ahead and weighed after that, it was the same as yesterday 193.6. I'm not too worried about it, for one, I'm not really doing this for weight loss and two I drank 4 cups of salt water that hadn't come out yet.

It still really didn't come out, just two very small BMs since I drank it. Probably because I didn't drink enough yesterday (not sure if I did or didn't), or because I laid back down fairly soon after doing it.

The rest of last night went fairly smoothly. I picked my husband up from the dentist and he wanted a treat. So we went to sonic and he got a coconut cream pie shake. It looked sooooo good. Then we saw a sign for their new banana pudding shake. LOL. when we got the receipt, it had a sticker on it for $1.00 off their new sausage biscuit dippers. I just hope when this is done and I'm through the juice and broth stages I don't revert back and start shoving everything in my face that looks good. The fritos he ate later last night smelled like the best fritos ever made.

So I went to bed about 8:30 so I could get up at 4am to do the salt water. When I woke up it was 2:30 and I had a massive migraine. I went to the kitchen got some ice and laid down with the ice pack on a sofa. It really didn't work, I couldn't even get it to stop enough to doze off. My alarm on my phone went off at 4am. So I decided to get up and move around to see if that helped, which it does most of the time. I drank my salt water and made lemonade for the day at work. Nope, not gone. So I decided to lay back down. The alarm went off around 5:30 for my husband to get up, I had barely started dozing. I told him there was no way I could go to work today like this. I got up and drank some more lemonade and water and laid back down on the bed, until 8am, when I took the trash out before the trash man came.

I took a hot bath after that with some bath sea salt and some lavendar in the water. I used dried lavender and depleted my supply. I still have to clean up that mess. I felt alot better after that and laid back down since it was completely gone. I woke up after dozing in and out at 11:15 and realized it was mostly gone. I still have some pressure from it, but hopefully it's on it's way out.

I have to go get some more water today, I'm getting three gallons at a time and it's lasting me about 2 full days. Oh, and I'm out of lemons and limes also. I think I'll pick up some epsom salt and take an epsom salt bath later also. THat's what most people on here seem to say makes them feel better. I think I'll take a nice hot shower and wash my hair before I go out and see how I feel since earlier was just a soak to get rid of the migraine. Good think I was already scheduled to be off today, but I still need to log on to work and do a few things. My work is falling behind slightly due to a big project. I can catch up, but I'm still kind of worried about it just because that's the way I am.

I'll write more later.

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