Blog: Sym's healthy trials
by symara

Day 1

The first hardship...

Date:   11/3/2008 6:22:24 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1588 times

Day 1 was a rough day.

I forgot to weigh myself this morning, but I did weigh myself in the evening. 201.something. I forgot to wright it down. I'm just keeping track for reference, I'm not really relying on this weight loss, since I know I can gain back quite a bit of it after I break the fast.

I got up a little before 8, no affects from the smooth move tea yet.

We set up the yard sale, and then I went inside and drank my salt water at 8:10. I got most of it down except maybe 1/2 a cup, and was drinking it with a straw. I just felt so full, I couldn't get the rest down.

About and hour later I made myself a lemonade with the blackstrap mallases, oh my god, that it the most awful stuff I've ever tasted. I took to drinks and gagged on the second. I ended up dumping it all out and decided to go get some Maple syrup. I kept drinking water until I could go, which wasn't until 2pm!!! My stomach kept cramping up since I had taken a pain pill the day before and is usually cured by eating something. I almost ate some gummy bears that I got in a sample packet from the natural food store. I had them in my pocket and everthing, but everytime I was ready to eat them, my cramps would start to subside.

About 10:15 the bowel movement started (BM from here one). BM was normal at first, then gradually became liquid. It wasn't as bad as an IBS attack, no bad cramping, but my butt was hurting pretty bad when it finally ended at 10:45. Nothing funny looking in the BM's

At 2 PM i went and got my maple syrup, and also picked up my husband some burger king. It smelled sooooo good, especially considering all I had really had was salt water and water to that point. I didn't even eat a fry, I was so proud of myself. I just went home and made my lemonade. I took a couple drinks and it was just so sickenly sweet I only drank half of it. I went online to make sure I had the right recipe, I did, but I had forgotten where some people put in less maple syrup to lose weight, that is not why I started this really, but to just get it down I went ahead and did one TBSP. So I'm trying to drink more lemonades to get the right amount of calories in. It didn't work on Day one though since I started so late, I think I only got about 3 - 4 in.

I did end up going to be early, I felt very weak and tired, probably from lack of calories to sustain me. So I took a hot bath, drank my Smooth Move, and was in bed by 9pm I think (on a Sat night!)

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