2 Days and counting
Day 2 until Cleanse, discussing Prep work...
Date: 10/30/2008 7:21:46 AM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2330 times So I have two days until I start....
I'm going out tomorrow night, so I have to go get lemons tonight (maybe a few limes too). That's all I need.
I have the following items at home now:
Celtic Sea salt
ionized (or whatever it is the health store had) water (4 gallons to start)
90,000 HU cayenne
Blackstrap Malasses (sp?) (left from when DH tried to do it almost a year ago)
Smooth Move tea (also from DH's try)
I also have a few other herbal teas, I just can't take pepperment tea
Epson Salt (for Hot baths)
I also have some organic sample products they where giving out at the healthfood store. I have toothpaste w/o flouride, some natural soap. I want to pick up some natural mouthwash I can carry around with me.
I also want to get two body brushes, one for the shower/bath and one for dry brushing. I've been hearing a lot about this and want to try it, I think it would make me feel better for those days I feel crappy.
I'm wondering about lotions too, if I should even bother, or jut see what happens. I love to put lotion on after a bath, it makes me feel sooooo good. I hardly ever do it usually, but I just know it would be a great pick me up. I just don't know if I should in case my skin absorbs it and it affects the cleanse. I do have a organic sugar cane scrub, wonder if I could use that though.
BTW hers my puppy who is going to help me out on this, by being cuddly and cute and comfort me.

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