Blog: Science vs Pseudoscience

9/11 Truth Movement

9/11 truth is another brand of denialist conspiracy that trashes the memory of those events while it prides itself on integrity and truth seeking, things that it does not have.

Date:   9/11/2008 9:47:47 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2741 times

We all remember where we were on the morning of 9/11/01 and what we were doing when we heard about it or saw it live. It was a morning of confusion and tragedy after tragedy, one after the other. The dust finally settled and thousands of our fellow citizens had been murdered and, after a decade of conflict-free bliss, we found ourselves in a new world where terrorism was this generation's communism. Despite the fact that we all saw what happened with our own eyes, these events lent themselves to conspiracy theorism.

Now let's ignore the connections and conflicts of interest surrounding this event because as good as that stuff may sound if it doesnt jive with the physical realities of the event then they are irrelevant, and that goes for every conspiracy theory.

The main physical claims about the towers address how they fell. The north tower burned between 8:46 and 10:28am (1hr42min) the south tower between 9:03 and 9:59am (56min). They burned for a long time and collapsed when the supports could no longer bear the weight of 10 and 24 floors respectively. so where is the mystery? theotists bring up the melting point of steel but ignore the loss of strength for the temperatures that were present. The New York State Museum is right near my house. there is debris on display there. the beams arent melted, they are warped. they maintain their form but clearly bent and buckled.

theorists bring up that the collapse resembles a controlled demolition. ignoring the ridiculous time and obviousness of wiring two buildings of that size. they allowed volunteers into that site to help with the rescue and cleanup, would the conspirators risk someone being able to identify explosive debris to sift through it? here's the problem with the demolition senario, explosives leave forensic evidence, so you cant just claim that unless the physical remnants of explosives are present in the debris. There would be many yards of det chord or many pounds of C4 and nobody has come foreward with an inch or a gram of either.

you don't honor the memories of the victims by signing on to these ideas, you do the opposite. we dont have to invent a conspiracy, terrorist organizations are a conspiracy. Real conspiracies like the mob, drug cartels, and terrorist groups are far more likely than invented ones because they can easily kill people in the know. They can keep secrets. Conspiracies in democratic governments with countless people with a host of differing agendas can only last so long, and the publicity of a hit would arouse suspicions in a heartbeat.

truthers are little more than denialists that will never accept that their ideas may be wrong. Show me a professional engineering or scientific body that doubts the physical scenario of the collapse. truthers have a disingenuous humility in which they say "we are only asking questions". NO YOU ARENT! you are providing answers. if you were asking questions you would have no conclusion yet. You have a conclusion, dont pretend that you dont already conclude "inside job" or "controlled demolition".

Truthers are no different from any other conspiracy or denialism: JFK, RFK, moon landing, holocaust, rape of nanking, even creationism. they all use the same tactics and the same logic and they are all wrong. they think that experts are foolish enough to overlook something simple(the melting point of steel) while they themselves handwave and deny countless physical evidence that opposes their stance.

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