Blog: lf reality check
by msteve666

Liver Flush Reality Check

Liver Flush Stones. Oil or Not? A Visual Observation

Date:   7/12/2008 10:50:28 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 4709 times

As three year flusher, I've read a lot of debates as to what we see. Stones made of oil or not. Experiments with food coloring that have shown to be incorporated in to the stones have been explained as simply being absorbed.

I wanted to try something different. With my oil mix I added a scoop of Colonix powder. What I got was a vigorous output with a lot of stones, but none of the cross sections contained any bits of colonix fiber. Not that that proves anything because adding some colonix to oil doesn't stay in suspension. This was my output thanks to the colonix:

I got some pretty good stones:

So, on to the second part of the experiment. I took some of the stones and set them in the sun for a few hours.

When all was said and done, virtally nothing was left, just an oil stain :-(

I condensed the 1st 3.5 hours to a 20 second time lapse.

It is what it is.

One other oddity - It has ALWAYS been stated that old stones are dark green and new stones are light green, yet the cross section of this stone shows a dark green stone with a light green core.

Comments from both sides of the argument strongly encouraged

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Comments (4 of 4):
Re: Liver Flush Re… birdo… 17 y
Re: Liver Flush Re… mstev… 17 y
Re: Liver Flush Re… hails… 17 y
It's not oil, it i… White… 17 y
All Comments (4)

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