day 2 water fast
I am doing a water fast not sure how long. My goal is 40 days or until my husband comes back from iraq.
Date: 5/30/2008 9:04:18 AM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 3093 times OK so i started my water fast yesterday, boy was it hard. I keept getting a nasty taste in my mouth so kept licking a little bit of miso to get a good taste in my mouth, taht might have made me more hungry( dont know). So i started this to loose weight and help with my health. WEll i woke up today thingking i would be hungry but i am not, go figure. ( its only 9 am i have only been up a few min) I have back pain and i dont know if i slept wrong or if its the toxins moving down which is increasing my pain. WEll i got on the scale and i lost 4 or 5 lbs the first day, its hard to tell i dont have a digital scale i will get one though next week. SO another thing that is keeping me going is i have a picture of a girl that my husband thinks is hot so it is part of my motivation
START weight day one: 219 i am 5'4
Start of day 2 weight: 214/215
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