Blog: juice fast for weight loss
by mirandalise

day 5

highly disappointed....

Date:   5/7/2008 7:34:36 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1800 times

sad news....i COMPLETELY forgot while trying to plan this fast at a "good time"--when nothing is going on--that i have a banquet that i have to go to on friday! i am incredibly disapointed--i have even been trying to think of ways to not really eat without drawing attention to myself. i don't want to eat on friday and go back to the fast because that just feels to me like i am screwing up my body. but i also REALLY don't want to end my fast (especially since i have gotten through my hardest days and am at the point that i enjoy where i am at). i don't know...any suggestions? i am sure that there are plenty of people out there that have had conflicting things happen during a fast...i just really don't want to be rude! i could just eat the vegetables :). ha...i think that will be noticed immediately.


no weight loss today...i feel great though.

i had high energy yesterday! planted trees and plants and cleaned up the yard before the rain started today! it felt good to get that done. an accomplishment! and now it is raining so all of my beautiful greenery will be nicely naturally watered!

god, i would be in such a good mood if i didn't remember that banquet on could i not have remembered that when i started???? i definitely would have waited another week if so...

i will just have to make do...even if it means ending for a while and starting again when things slow down for the late spring/summer...

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Comments (3 of 3):
Re: day 10!!! mirandalise 17 y
Re: day 10!!! b2reflect 17 y
Re: Day 1 posting,… casab… 17 y
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