Spiritual Retreat in June
June 1 to 6, 2008.
Spiritual Retreat with Douglas.
Five Oaks Center, Paris, Ontario.
A very special six-day retreat with Douglas to learn to develop your spiritual / intuitive abilities
including Deep Trance Meditation. Featuring daily classes, meditation, yoga, and one-on-one time
with Douglas to ask all your questions. Participate in a group DTM session given by Douglas as well!
Date: 4/15/2008 3:53:30 PM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2672 times From Douglas's latest newsletter...
Douglas will be teaching the method of Deep Trance Meditation to anyone who wishes to learn it (as he learned from Ross Peterson). This retreat will be held in early June and the information is on Douglas's website
As many of you know, my inward journey to discover my own intuitive abilities began in 1975 when I met a man named Ross Peterson. He was known as "the new Edgar Cayce." Ross performed an absolutely amazing “reading” for my family, in which he accurately described the very unusual circumstances of my daughter Cheri's birth, and the subsequent ailments that led to her being institutionalized in a home for crippled children. Suddenly I had “proof” of a greater spiritual intelligence that reigned over us. Needless to say, this was truly a life-changing experience - for myself and my entire family. I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to witness this profound ability first-hand.
Not long after that fateful day, I went to Ross' school in Michigan. I was among a group of people from all over the world who had sought out this remote, mystical place to develop their spiritual abilities. All of us were filled with a burning desire to learn the secrets of Deep Trance Meditation, just as Ross had demonstrated. The retreat was nestled in the beautiful, wooded hills near the shore of Lake Michigan. It was there that I learned to tap into my soul mind and the spiritual dimensions of the Akashic records, through meditation.
When a student first approaches the mysterious realms of the Great Beyond, it is essential to have a teacher who practices what he preaches, and not someone who speaks solely from an intellectual appreciation. In Ross' words, “Many give lip service, but few can do what they preach." Ross was my living example. His explanations of various phenomena were not from theory, conjecture, or speculation, but from his personal experience of being there before. I can recall one particularly unsettling experience in which I saw a golden light in the back of a dark room, and a dark-skinned being appeared in front of me. It reminded me of an Egyptian, wearing gold bracelets on muscled forearms. Although I could see the outline of a powerful jaw, the being had no face. I could feel it staring at me, though it did not move or speak a single word. Had it not been for Ross' guidance, and his ability to explain this startling experience, I may have quit my investigations into the unseen spiritual dimensions altogether!
I have come to believe that meeting Ross and taking my steps with him was my Karma. I believe the time has come for me to pass on what I have learned, by offering students - who are ready and willing to take the steps into the higher dimensions - to learn how to develop Deep Trance Meditation, as I had. I will be holding a retreat in June, teaching key lessons in meditation, so that students may learn to tap into the the spiritual dimensions of the Akashic records.
As they say, "time waits for no one." If you think this is the time for you, then I suggest you call or email us today to be included in this special retreat. I may be able to organize another retreat at some future time - but then again, I may not. It’s the Universal time clock that seems to have provided the place and the opportunity. The time spent at Ross' retreat was special time in my life, filled with fond memories. I look forward to helping those of you who are ready to move forward to build the same kinds of memorable and life-changing experiences in yourselves.
- Douglas
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