DAY 5 1:36pm
I blush everytime I am around him! I cannot even look at him in the eyes b/c I blush... it's like he sees right through me! He is soooo YUMMY!
Date: 4/7/2008 12:37:41 PM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1462 times Oh OMG just saw this cutie that I totally have acrush on... if he is not motivation I DON"T KNOW WHAT IS!
So I am at work day dreaming about this really cute guy... so silly b/c I feel like a 5 year old... I think he knows; which freaks me out... I don't think he recipricates the feeling. I mean I can't help it, I blush everytime I am around him!
Dunno how this all came about, it's sooo crazy! I cannot even look at him in the eyes b/c I blush... it's like he sees right through me! He is soooo YUMMY!
Well back to work and day dreaming lol
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