Blog: Wedding Makeover
by lbbeezy

Day 15

I broke the fast, early but the right way. I now have created a plan for a raw & healthy diet that will be mixed with juicing.

Date:   3/16/2008 6:00:25 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2587 times

Well, I stopped the juicing. I was having really bad cravings, and I started to get extremely tired, and was not able to keep up my exercising. I had the inside of a cucumber for lunch, and my stomach seemed fine. I had a spinach salad for dinner, and that seemed fine.

I have continued to take the oxypowder and I am still able to go frequently (mostly still fluids). I did feel a bit constipated the last night, but was able to get it out in the same sitting (sexy eh?)/

Anyway, I am a bit upset with myself, but I do feel I made the right decision. I went to a raw foods restaurant in the city last night. I have been looking online at all of the raw food info, which I think I will stick to for a while, if not forever. I do think I may switch to juicing for a week at a time, and switch back to salad, etc the next week (and so on and so forth).

Well, considering it was my first time, I am proud that I made it two full weeks. I have never had the will power to control my eating before, and this was mega control.

Anyway, I appreciate all of you that were rooting for me, I am sorry if I let you down. I look forward to keeping up the healthy eating, and will definitely keep going to the gym. I am probably going to do more juicing next week, so I will keep up with this blog!

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Comments (10 of 12):
Re: Day 15 B2reflect 17 y
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Re: Why now? #93204 17 y
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