Blog: Wedding Makeover
by lbbeezy

Day 13!

I have almost made it 2 weeks. I am still having tough cravings, but the weight is coming off and that reminds me why I should keep going.

Date:   3/13/2008 6:22:08 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1600 times

OK, so I am doing better today. Yesterday and the few days before have been tough. I went out and bought a digital scale (that also does Body fat and body water). I weighed myself after the gym, and I am now at 156!

I bought some trident and chewing that has helped while I am at work. After I get home from work I am only home for about 1.5 hours, then I am off to the gym and when I get home its time for bed!

I have been doing REALLY well at the gym. I am going 6 days a week for about 1.5-2 hours a day. I'm still using the HR monitor and I love it! I did weights for about 30-40 minutes then my fast walk on the treadmill for an hour, the HR monitor said that I burned 908 calories!!! I wasn't even exerting myself that much.

I am pretty proud of myself for sticking to this. It has been tough, and I have had many strong cravings in the last few days. The main things that are stopping me are the fact that I can't just go and eat a veggie burger with all the fixins, or I would feel sick. Also the fact that my weight is going down makes it seem well worth it.

I have noticed that my hair is less frizzy, my acne is ok since stopping the prescription and gel. I have had one or two spots, it is much better than before I started the meds, but not better than when I was on them. I have only been on the fast for just shy of 2 weeks, so maybe it will keep getting better.

Work has been pretty slow (strangely slow) and I find myself bored out of my mind in the afternoons. I have been able to pick up on old projects, but I am not enjoying it. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday!! I am planning on playing Wii all weekend to keep me busy, as well as super clean the house.

Keep the feedback coming, it helps me a lot!!!!!!!

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