The creation myths haave something in common, light, love, and one I didn't see sound, that is vinratory nature
Date: 3/9/2008 2:32:48 PM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 3527 times The Story of Creation
by Owen Waters
Stories and myths of Creation from around the world often share
a common thread. Most of them start with a division, a
splitting of the original One into two complementary parts so
that Creation could be achieved.
In ancient Egypt, more than 5,000 years ago, Creation was said
to have occurred when the power of thought made light arise
above the abyss. Here the two components before the creation of
light were 1) thought, and 2) an already-created abyss of empty
In ancient Greece, the universe was said to have been a place
without light until Eros (Love) arose, bringing light and
order. Here we have intent and feeling bringing light into
In ancient Aztec culture an original 'Lord' and 'Lady' were
said to have brought into existence all things. People
throughout history have more easily understood the idea of
father and mother figures behind Creation rather than the idea
of original principles, or facets, of the one Creator. The Holy
Trinity of Christianity includes both ideas - God the Father is
the creative principle while the Holy Spirit is the love that
permeates all space.
Hinduism, the origin of which pre-dates recorded history,
recognizes an original or Absolute state as the one ultimate
state of being behind all things. Then, from the Absolute,
sprang forth the principles of Creation. These principles are
portrayed as the personalities of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
Brahma symbolizes the aspect of the Absolute that brings forth
the works of Creation. Vishnu represents the aspect that
preserves and sustains the universe - an all-pervasive love, in
other words. Shiva represents the aspect that brings motion
into the universe, making possible the creation, and the decay,
of objects in the physical world.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam all share the same historic
roots. In the Book of Genesis, it is said that Creation began
when God created the heavens and the earth and then said, "Let
there be light." Notice that this initial act of Creation came
before the creation of the stars and the creation of our Sun.
Therefore, these initial instances of the words 'heavens' and
'earth' need to be taken metaphorically, not literally. The
'earth' was said to be formless and empty, like a
pre-creational void, as the Spirit of God hovered over the
'waters' of the formless deep. So, here we have:
1) The intent of God the Creator, hovering over:
2) The formless deep of a universe-to-be. This 'formless deep'
referred to the universe, not to the Earth, because the stars
(and therefore the Earth) had not yet been formed. Then, later,
all possibilities began with:
3) "Let there be light." This is where motion was applied in
order to activate the hollow shell of the universe. This, then,
made all of Creation possible, including the stars, the
planets, their biospheres and all that they contain.
The common thread in all the above stories is this. Intent and
love together created a universe in the form of a void, an
abyss. Intent and love were then set into motion in order to
bring light and life into the void.
All of the above stories of Creation are thousands of years
old. Historically, they were told to people who believed that
the Earth was all there was to the extent of the Creation. In
general, they had no idea that the stars in the sky were
actually other suns in the remote distance.
Today, we have a much better appreciation of the vastness of
Creation. We still do not know the exact size, or even the
shape, of the universe but we do have a much better idea of the
scale of it. As of July, 2003, astronomers announced that there
are 70 sextillion stars in the visible universe. That's 70
thousand million million million stars in just the visible part
of the universe. The actual size of the cosmos is much larger
than that.
It stands to reason that the Creator of all of this vastness
is an entity much larger than that which was created. Infinite
Being is a consciousness so huge that the entire universe is
held within its awareness and focus, within its conscious
Infinite Being is all things, it is all potential. As a state
of being, it fundamentally does not "do," it just is. Infinite
Being is the ultimate state of being. However, at some point,
Infinite Being decided to 'become,' rather than just 'be.' It
decided to manifest its potential, and then to act out every
part of that potential.
In order to achieve this original Creation, Infinite Being
divided its consciousness. In one direction, it focused intent.
In another direction, it focused its love, or its feeling.
Then, in a third direction it applied action, or motion, so
that the two facets of itself - intent and feeling - could
interact with each other as intertwined waves of consciousness
in motion.
In this way, Infinite Being extended itself from just being,
into a state of action. This extension of itself had become
what we call the original Creator. The One Creator has three
facets, a triad of intent, feeling and motion. The existence of
motion in this creative triad makes the One Creator an
action-oriented projection of the original, non-moving,
all-potential state of Infinite Being.
And yet, nothing specific had been created up to this point.
There was, however, the potential for everything to be created.
For this, a stage needed to be set, upon which Infinite Being
could express itself as an infinite variety of possibilities.
In order to provide that stage, the universe was created.
First, a space was intended and filled with love. This hollow,
original shell of a potential universe was then set into
motion. Then, life was breathed into the void when motion was
added to it.
With the setting of the universe into motion, the 'light' had
come. It filled all of space with infinite, chaotic pathways of
potential energy and, later, the potential for matter and all
that matter could become.
Today, we find ourselves living out the latest adventure in
the infinite experiences of existence. As facets of Infinite
Being, we are each here to experience life as we see it from
our individual, unique viewpoints.
You, as the soul within, are the observer of life. While you
are busy with life in the physical world, it may seem difficult
to connect with your spiritual aspect, your soul. But to do
this means that you are connecting directly with the observer
within and seeing the purpose in all aspects of your life. That
is why the most rewarding part of the day is the time that you
set aside for regular meditation. With inner support and
guidance, your path through life becomes clear and filled with
If you haven't already done so, make the time to practice
meditation at the start of each day. A habit very soon becomes
a routine, and this is one that very soon becomes the highlight
of each day.
This article was written by Owen Waters, author of the
Insight E-Book, "Discover Your Purpose In Life,"
available for immediate download at:
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