Blog: Healer,Clairvoyant,Lecturer,Author - Douglas James Cottrell
by Anne H.

World Prayer Day, Mar. 7

Past Life Recall Workshop, World Day of Prayer, Predictions coming True, Deep Trance Meditation Philosophy Nights, Miracle Transformation Events,

Date:   3/6/2008 6:33:17 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2625 times

Friday, March 7, 2008 has been designated as World Day of Prayer. We invite you to contribute with your own thoughts and energy to help raise the vibration of the planet and everyone on it. When there is a great unity of minds coming together for a single purpose, great things happen. We invite you to take a moment out of your day on March 7, and to commit the following prayer (either aloud or in silence):
"God Almighty, God Almighty, God Almighty: We appeal to all the angels, avatars, saints, and spiritual beings who watch over us and our world, the planet earth. We ask for intervention in our world and in all the nations upon the earth that those in authority over us, the leaders of all the nations, the leaders of all the religions, the authorities in all the businesses, the learned minds of all the educational leaders, and those responsible for the welfare and safety of people everywhere, that they be inspired and their hearts will be softened and their judgments and decisions will be for the greater good. And that each and every person in the world will seek to be their brother and sisters' keeper and to follow that golden rule that they will not do anything to anyone else that they would not wish to be done to themselves or their loved ones. So that the world itself will bask in prosperity, and peace will reign supreme. So that the world itself will be in harmony, and we may all enjoy health, wealth and peace of mind. In this name, we ask you, God Almighty, to intercede, to intervene, and wherever possible to allow the opportunity for this, our great and solemn prayer, to be fulfilled. Amen"
(Best to say this prayer early in the morning, before you eat. After you pray, meditate on the world and visualize it as a beautiful place, seeing the improvements you want coming true. And remember: live the golden rule).

We are happy to announce an exciting new workshop coming to Toronto on March 29. The Book of Life: Uncovering Your Past Lives. All of your experiences are recorded in your Book of Life. Douglas invites you to a powerful workshop of self-discovery and illumination to read your Book of Life. Like an archaeologist digging through time for hidden treasures, you will discover how experiences from your soul's past relate to you today. March 29, 2008. 1 PM - 5 PM. Bayview Room, Days Hotel, 30 Carlton Street, Toronto, Ontario $100/person. Space is limited, so register early to ensure your place. Register on-line with your credit card or Paypal at (copy and paste):
or call Karen Cottrell toll-free 1-877-268-8735.

At a seminar in Rhode Island in 2005, Douglas predicted that the future US president would be Hilary Clinton. If you have been paying attention to US politics lately, it's looking more and more as if Sen. Clinton's destiny as president is sealed, despite opinion to the contrary. Just recently, Douglas predicted that she would win in Texas and Ohio, which she did. All presidents first won in Ohio, so she seems on track.
Douglas has also predicted that Iran and Iraq would become as one nation. Recently, the president of Iran, Mahmud Ahmadinejad has visited Iraq and negotiations are underway, setting the stage for an economic union. It would seem this prediction is now coming true.
In the 1980s, Douglas had also predicted that the price of gold would rise to $1150/ounce (when gold was under $300). Gold is currently trading at $983, and as Douglas predicted recently (on CFRB Radio, Toronto), gold would be trading in the $900s and is on its way to over the magical $1000 US/ounce benchmark.

Deep Trance Meditation Philosophy Nights
Using his unique ability to access the Akashic Records (or Universal Consciousness) in a state of Deep Trance Meditation (DTM), Douglas offers you the opportunity to participate in an intimate group reading to ask all the questions you've been wanting to ask about the celestial dimensions, spiritual worlds, and your search for God. Topics will cover: life after death, spiritual laws, karma, angels and the higher beings that watch over you, attracting a soul-mate, your spiritual gifts and how to develop them, and more importantly how to be a spiritually-correct person in a world of uncertainty. You determine what topics will be covered and you ask the questions. Once a week, for six weeks, you will have the opportunity to peer into the universal mind. Date and place tbd. To pre-register, or more information, call toll-free 1-877-268-8735.

Miracle Transformation Events™
Douglas will be conducting a Miracle Transformation Event™ on March 16 and 30 in the Toronto area. All are welcome at this uplifting afternoon of meditation and energy healing. Receive a personal laying on of hands healing by Douglas. Learn to develop your own inate abilities in an atmosphere of unconditional love. By donation. 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Scarboro Missions, 2685 Kingston Road at Brimley, Scarborough, ON.

For more information about any Douglas' events, visit
or call toll-free 1-877-268-8735.

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Comments (7 of 9):
thank you humanly 18 y
Your're welcome!!! anne h… 20 y
Thank you, Anne! Liora Le… 20 y
Re: good one, Ann! anne h… 20 y
good one, Ann! Yourenchan… 20 y
No need to be conc… anne … 20 y
Hi Anne, I am conc… 9thbo… 20 y
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