Day 4
Day 4 of my juice fast, I have only lost 5 pounds so I will be cutting back on my juice intake.
Date: 3/4/2008 9:39:41 PM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2694 times Ok, so it was day 4 of the juice fast today. Nothing too exciting. I did get pretty crabby around 12:30p as I wasn't able to take a lunch break because I thought I was going to leave early to take my fiance to the doctor. He ended up not going, so I just left work at 4p instead.
I weighed myself at the gym tonight, I have lost 5 pounds in the last 4 days. I am not too excited about that as I have read that most people lose a lot in the first few days. I have decided that I am going to cut down my juice intake, maybe I am drinking too much?
I will only bring one bottle of juice to work in the morning, and I will probably bring a half a bottle back after my lunch break. The rest I will just drink water or tea. Also I will be going to the gym every day except Monday (my gym is crazy on Mondays, not sure why). Hopefully when I weigh myself next i will have lost 10 more pounds...? Not sure when I will weigh myself again, I guess next Tuesday. I also have not taken a picture of myself yet, which I want to do so that I can really see the change.
OK, so yeah, I am going to go to bed now.
beginning weight: 170
Current weight: 165
Goal weight: 135 (really 120 :) )
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