Blog: Wedding Makeover
by lbbeezy

Day 2

Day 2 of the juice fast went well. buying a heart rate monitor made me feel much more accomplished when I left the gym.

Date:   3/2/2008 7:22:18 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1910 times

Day 2 of the juice fast! It was much easier that I was expecting, so I can only guess that tomorrow will be the hardest. I did have a hard time when my fiance brought home a huge mess of nachos. I had to stare straight at the tv, I couldn't look at his food.. but I survived!

This morning I started with a honeydew and cantelope (with blackberries) because I read that melons are better for your stomach in the morning. That was nice.

About 2 hours later I was hungry for more so I made a watermelon lemonade, it was delicious!!! All you do is stick chunks of watermelon and a whole lemon in and voila! I am definitely having that again. I know if doesn't have many vitamins, etc but it tastes great, and it is very refreshing.

I just got back from the gym where I bought a Polar heart rate monitor. I set it up with my my age, height, weight, etc and took off on my regular 60 min. walk. I had to set the treadmill a bit faster to get deeper into my target heart rate zone, but I made it. After the workout it tells you how many calories you have burned, and I was guessing that it would be 280-300... it said 605!!!!!! That is so exciting!

I also have kept taking the OxyPowder, in case any of you were wondering. I am glad I bought it! I didn't take any on Friday because I had a bunch of beers and was afraid of the reaction. Yesterday I couldn't go at all! So i took 5 of the pills last night, and I am back to going multiple times a day, much better!

I am looking forward to seeing my transformation after this fast. I am really looking forward to weighing in on Tuesday (I told myself not to weigh myself daily so I could see a bigger difference, instead of mby a pound a day...?).

I am nervous about being at work tomorrow, but I will bring tea, juice, and thankfully I can drive home for lunch to make more juice for the afternoon.

Anyway, I want to thank everyone who sent warm wishes to me! It is really comforting to have people rooting for my success! Please keep the comments coming! Please give me feedback on my juice recipes, and if you have any hints or tips, let me know!!


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Comments (12 of 12):
Re: Day 15 B2reflect 17 y
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Re: Why now? casablanca 17 y
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