Blog: Wedding Makeover
by lbbeezy

Day 1

Day one of my juice fast. I went grocery shopping and stocked up on every fruit and veggie I could find.

Date:   3/1/2008 7:28:35 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2849 times

Today was my first day (actually half day) of my juice fast. I had coffee and a bagel for breakfast before I went out to run errands which included grocery shopping.

I bought a LOT of fruits and veggies!
..... more, but i forgot..

Anyway, I made my first juice:
spinach, cucumber, strawberries, apple
It was delicious!

After that I went to the gym and walked for an hour on the treadmill. I just got home and made another juice:
That was good too!

I have read that you aren't supposed to leave juice for more than 30 minutes after juicing it. So what should I do for juice at work? I already packed up tea to bring in, but I will probably need juice at some point during the day, right? I have water bottles that I can fill with juice, but will the small amount of air that gets in "ruin" the juice?

Anyway, I feel fine now, but I ran to grab tomatoes at the supermarket after the gym, and all I saw was rice, pasta, bread, and easter candy... it was rough. I really hope I can push myself to do this.

On the bright side, I weighed myself today and my pre-fast diet helped me to lose 2 pounds! So right now I am at 170.

OK, well I'm about to watch 28 weeks later with my fiance, that should help me keep my appetite at bay..

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Comments (10 of 12):
Re: Day 15 B2reflect 17 y
Re: antsy YourEnchantedGa… 17 y
Re: Day 11 B2reflect 17 y
Re: Day 8 Marigolden 17 y
Re: Day 4 hhdog24 17 y
Re: Day 4 30day self impr… 17 y
Re: Day 1 #16236 17 y
Re: Pre Fast diet herb-ga… 17 y
Re: Why now? ren 17 y
Re: Why now? #93204 17 y
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Blog Entries (3 of 13):
Day 1  17 y
Pre Fast diet  17 y
Why now?  17 y
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