Pre Fast diet
Pre-fast raw veggie diet, not so easy! Wedding dress shopping is getting me excited for the fast!
Date: 2/25/2008 6:31:35 PM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2764 times OK well i got called on a short business trip, so my fast was delayed. I just started my pre-fast diet. I am only eating raw fruits and veggies (mostly salads). Although today i ate some crackers. I am planning on doing this until Saturday, then I will go grocery shopping again and start my juice fast!
I have been going to the gym everyday, and we just bought a Wii so I have been getting excersize from that too! (It is the most fun I have ever had with a video game system ever!).
I went wedding dress shopping last weekend with my mom and sister and I have to say I was very upset with how I looked in the dresses. My mom is a very good shopping partner, very honest, and she said that there were 3 dresses that she really liked on me... I HATED the pictures.. The plan is to do the juice fast, keep working out after that, and eat really healthy afterward too, so that by June when i go back for a final decision, I will look MUCH better.
Anyway, this salad/raw fruit diet is pretty hard, and I am not looking forward to the juice diet. I am hoping that after a week of only salad and fruit it will be much easier to limit myself to juice.. I know that it will be mostly psychological for the first few days of this and the juice fast, but can I make it through???
I also started taking the OxyPowder on Saturday, and I am having more BMs, but it isn't as scary as I was afraid it would be. Yay!
I think I am going to have to stop watching Martha until the diet/fast is over, everything they make looks so good!
OK, enough for now. I will check in, in a few days!
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