Day 1 & 2 Fasting - Start Master Cleanse on Day 3 - 1st MC Day
Day 1 & 2 Fasting - Start Master Cleanse on Day 3 - 1st MC Day
Date: 2/21/2008 3:56:29 PM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2651 times I fasted on Day 1 and 2, drinking only water and hot peppermint tea.
Day 1 - Fasting on Water and Tea
I felt great. I had a desire at 12:00 to want lunch while at work. I drank the tea and it subsided.
I am doing this to lose weight I have the feeling of being fat and uncomfortable in my clothes, plus I know it can lead to health problems.
Day 2 - Fasting on Water and Tea
I felt great. My husband brought home sub sandwiches and KFC for the kids. He asked me if I wanted half of his and I said no as I drank my tea. I couldn't believe I was strong enough to surpass the sub. I did it.
Day 1 - First Day Master Cleanse
I had a sudden surge of high energy at work around noon, which is my lunchtime. I felt like I could run a mile. It subsided around 3:00 I felt like I could take a nap, but I continued to work. Thank goodness it was not a busy day at work.
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