Blog: My 40 day Juice Fast
by casablanca

Day 29

Bet you thought I dropped out?!!!

Date:   2/20/2008 3:43:32 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 3737 times

Still here! Oh man this fast is stirring so many dark feelings in me. I have been going through so many downs, and haven't felt like writing much. I hope that this is a symptom of detoxing, because if not, I am going through a severe case of depression! I decided to stop weighing myself: I was becoming way to obsessed with the scale. Moreover, I had the same weight for 3 days and on the 4th day, I gained 1.5 pounds!!! i'm not even consuming that much juice and exercising every day. So the scale is not my friend anymore, because I am putting way too much focus on it and I feel like I am missing out on the spiritual aspect.
Another thing: I sincerely believe something I had read in the Sunfood Diet System, the author said that he belived that people should fast until all excess fat is removed. I truly believe it. Upon completing my 40 day fast, I will be about 10 pounds away from my perfect weight. So I intend on adding 10 extra days to this fast for a total of 50. That is just something I need to accomplish, as I sincerely believe it. Although I had originally planned on fasting 40 days and then go on a raw food diet ofr 20 days and increase cardio, which would have done the trick for the last 10 pounds. But because I must stand up to my belief, i will extend my fast for an additional 10 days.

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Comments (8 of 8):
Re: Day 20 marigolden 17 y
Re: Day 29 bluebug 17 y
good show ren 17 y
Re: Day 20 casablanca 17 y
Re: Day 20 renejay 17 y
Re: Day 11 trulioness 17 y
Re: Day 8 casablanca 17 y
Re: Day 8 kozzzmic 17 y
All Comments (8)

Blog Entries (10 of 10):
day 38  17 y
Day 29  17 y
Day 20  17 y
Day 12 & 13  17 y
Day 11  17 y
Day 10  17 y
Day 9  17 y
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Day 6  17 y
Background  17 y

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