Intenders Bridge
I am not a fan of meekness, but perhaps I do not understand the true meaning of the word. Perhaps meekness is my neutral mind state...I am not sure, then the intention is non-judgement. Is meekness non-judgement
Date: 2/10/2008 5:05:54 PM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2551 times Your Inheritance
That which you seek is as close as your hands and feet
What does it mean that the meek shall inherit the Earth? And just who are the meek? One thing is for certain; the European-American western way of life is not set up to produce a lot of meek people. Westerners are strivers, and the meek do not strive. They do not seek out ways to gain profit from their fellow man. They are not busy counting their dollars. They are not fighting wars, nor are they interested in a thing for the sake of its appearance.
This is not to say that people raised with a western outlook on life could not change their longstanding attitudes. They could become meek in the twinkling of an eye, but what would it take? First, they would have to see that their old ways are not working for them anymore; that they have done in the past is not bringing them as much satisfaction or fulfillment or love or pleasure as it used to. Letting go of the things that they were previously attached to would suddenly become a viable option. Then they would have nothing that was worth worrying about or fighting over.
To be meek, a person has to have within himself or herself the ability to sit still and remain quiet. This is the key that opens the door to our inheritance. We must be able to sit completely still at any given moment ... no wiggling, talking, or taking a break to go shopping or mend the fences. Just sitting still and letting the rest of the world do whatever it wants to do. We assure ourselves of our inheritance when we are able to step aside of all the dramas going on around us. When someone else comes along and is telling sad stories about how bad things are in the world, the meek only has to be still and, in doing so, he is not agreeing and reinforcing his friend's woes. He doesn't even nod in agreement because he knows that that will only serve to perpetuate the dramas and suffering. He listens objectively, and when the time is right, he withdraws to his place within, the place where all inner joy and happiness comes from.
It is not that he has no compassion or feeling for his fellow man; but he must have the where-with-all to know where the road he is on is taking him. He no longer chooses to tread where he could easily become embroiled in the suffering that surrounds him. He no longer chooses to allow anyone else to dump any excess negative emotional baggage in his lap. He's done that before and it didn't work then because it left him feeling uncomfortable. He wants to be free from all of that, especially since freedom is so close within reach. He doesn't need to go anywhere or do anything. As a person learns to quietly and calmly meditate, all the joys that he could possibly imagine will emerge to lighten his load and uplift him into realms he never before dreamed of.
There will surely come a time in the lives of each of us when we must choose to pursue our old ways of struggle or strife, or we can decide to remain meek. Perhaps all we would have to do in order to receive our inheritance, is sit down and be still.
My Intention for today is:
I Intend that I am learning to observe my surroundings without judging.
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