Day 12 & 13
Caught the flue
Date: 2/5/2008 1:32:37 AM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2149 times Sorry I didn't post consistently. I caught the flue. Pretty strong virus, so I'm trying to beat it with a daily intake of Royal Jelly and Origan Honey. It helps a lot. I didn't have any juice yesterday (didn't feel like) I just had some hot tea with honey. Hunger is gone, no desire for food (except when I saw a NY pizza on TV yesterday...) and BM are pretty regular every morning. Oh, forgot to mention that this weekend, I had apple juice blended with a small banana and flax seed. I used to have that on the weekends my last fast, in order to deal with weekend hunger crisis. Weekends have always been particularly hard for me because I cook for my hubby and just staying home on weekends usually calls for a lot of eating for us.
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