Day 11
A Difficult Fast
Date: 2/2/2008 1:41:58 AM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 3514 times Finally, first milestone. This fast is so much harder than my 30-day fast last year. I feel like I have such a long way to go and it is incredibly discouraging. I mean, I haven't even reached the weight I was when I STARTED my first fast, let alone being close to my ending weight. Oh well, I guess I have to pay for all the excessive food I consumed... Yesterday was so hard for me. My hubby warmed up some food (lentils) and it smelt heavenly. I almost started depressing. I thought that I could never completely eat raw and would have to include some cooked veggies and legumes into my diet. This is so unlike my last fast. I was so strong and focused. I have to say that while reading Aujulie's blog, I can tell that I'm not the only one experiencing a much harder fast the second time around. Days seem to drag for ever, but at the same time, when I look back, these past 10 days have gone pretty fast. I guess I am way too focused on the fast. Although I am working, working out and quite busy, I should find something to get my mind off the fast. Maybe reading spiritual books.
My colon is not hurting anymore! BMs are every morning, which is great. I started Oxypowder today.
I have been exercising 5 days a week. Doing 15 mns warm up, then 30 High Interval Bike, and stretching for about 10 mns.
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