Day 1 posting, Day 5 juice fast
day 5
Date: 2/1/2008 11:45:41 AM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 3157 times
I have decided that writing will make this fast so much easier because I have no support around here for it. I am on day 5 of a juice fast that I still haven't determined how long I am going to keep it up. I originally started with the intention to make it past 3 days (how long I went this past summer...) and to attempt to go long enough to lose the weight that I have gained within the past 3 years (20 pounds). SO...I am on my way. On my first day, I ended up losing 6 pounds (wow!...I am sure mostly water weight). Since then, I have only lost 1 more pound...I am rather disappointed and hope that this picks up so that I feel the motivation to keep going.
Aside from the weight loss I have been feeling amazing! Besides the hunger pains that occur around kindergarten snack time (I teach), right after school, and around 7 at night, I feel extremely energized! I had a headache on day 2 but since then I haven't had any other detox problems. I think that drinking vegetable and fruit concoctions also help--I feel better now that I have all of these vitamins!
Well, I am planning on continuing and HOPEFULLY will lose at least another pound so that I can make it through the weekend (ahhh!! Superbowl parties!)
How bad do you think drinking a glass of wine would be???:)
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