Blog: My 40 day Juice Fast
by casablanca


The beginning of my journey

Date:   1/30/2008 8:59:49 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2404 times

Some of you may remember reading my blog last year. I succesfuly completed a 30 day fast last year and posted my progress on curezone. Unfortunately, my blog disapeared. My story, I guess, is not so unusual, so here it is:
I am a 29 year old woman, married and no children. I have fasted last year for 30 days mostly to kick an addiction to Ephedra (highly stimulant diet pill) and to cure my hurting colon. The fast worked wonders, my colon was healed and I completely kicked the addiction knowing i will never touch that thing again. I dropped 22 pounds during that fast. I felt very close to God and found my purpose in life. It was all clear to me: exercise, live on raw food and lead a spiritual life. Then, my company closed down, I got a nice settlement and decided to stay home for a while. Without any structure and spiritually empty, I let myself fall. The worse part about it was that I would binge for a few days, telling myself that I would start a long fast the next day. Then, I would start fasting for a day or two and completely binge again. This vicious cycle reapeated itself over 10 times. I gained all the weight back and added an additional 15 pounds. in total, I gained 40 pounds in 9 months... I have decided that I have had enough. I now see that in fact, my addiction is to food and I need to cure it. Moreover, my addiction to food comes from the fact that I got far from the good path and lead a meaningless life by indulging in ephemeral pleasures. They are not worth it!!
So here I am on day 8 of a 40-day fast to kick my addiction and get closer to God.
I would love any support in my journey.

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Comments (8 of 8):
Re: Day 20 marigolden 17 y
Re: Day 29 bluebug 17 y
good show ren 17 y
Re: Day 20 casablanca 17 y
Re: Day 20 renejay 17 y
Re: Day 11 trulioness 17 y
Re: Day 8 casablanca 17 y
Re: Day 8 kozzzmic 17 y
All Comments (8)

Blog Entries (10 of 10):
day 38  17 y
Day 29  17 y
Day 20  17 y
Day 12 & 13  17 y
Day 11  17 y
Day 10  17 y
Day 9  17 y
Day 8  17 y
Day 6  17 y
Background  17 y

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60 days Juice Fast  17 y  (7)
My Journey to Juice Fasting  18 y  (5)

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