Day 24 - Enjoying Some Wine!
Day 24 - Enjoying Some Wine!
Date: 1/25/2008 11:37:35 AM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 3062 times Day 24:
This is amazing! I noticed today something really interesting. Pre-fast I used to have dark pigment under my eyes, and had like that little puffy pouch under my eyes. As my mother aged, she had the same thing so I just thought it was genetics. Btw I'm 44. Today as I look in the mirror the dark circles have mostly vanished and the puffy pouches are approx 2/3 less! I think the darkness was toxins and puffy was stored fat. I remebered when I was going through detox in the first week - I had this strange oozing from my eyes that was stinging. I'll bet this was some sort of flush.
Today I did another 8 mile hike. I've not been good on my posts journaling the exercise - but I've been doing about 8 miles 2-3 times a week. Most days I feel fine - but a few I had a hard time because my electrolytes were screwd up - but the veggie broth (strong with potatoes) almost instantly cured that. I think the trick is to not getting to the point where the electrolytes get messed up - so perhaps even though you dont want the veggie broth - perhaps work it in 2-3 times a week just to be safe - for those of you on extended fasts - past 15 days or longer.
Also about a week or so ago - I got hooked on Fiji water. Bottled water from Fiji. It's expensive but oh so good! Has high levels of silica - which gives it a silky smooth feeling in the mouth. If you were a wine drinker pre-fast - consider trying this a temporary substitute! Cin Cin!
Today's Intake:
- The Ususal
Today's Output:
- I am going to the bathroom #1 like every 3-4 hours, urine is clear, no odor
- #2 Once, Normal
Today's Physical Outlook:
- Noticing more weight loss
Today's Mental Outlook:
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