Blog: 30 Day Juice Fast for Health & Healing
by quantaqualia11

Day 15 - A Big Mistake

Day 15 - A Big Mistake

Date:   1/17/2008 12:45:36 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 3423 times

Day 15:

Today I was just getting tired of the juice routine - the veggie juice combination was just getting boring - so I had this idea to try something different. Well - my bright idea was to juice carrots, tomatoes, red peppers, garlic, onion and basil - Sounds good huh? I was thinking like a liquid spaghetti. I took one sip - probably about 2 tablespoons - swallowed and I would say in about 45 seconds found myself running for the bathroom! OMG - instant vomiting! Sorry if this is gross - but I though I might be able to save someone from this unpleasant experience. I guess my digestion was just not ready for the garlic and onion - those were the "New" elements in the equation. And I really didnt use all that much. Well - after the upchuck I was tasting garlic and onion for hours - and that seemed worse than the vomiting. I must have brushed my teeth 10 times - no relief.

Later I juiced an orange which seemed to settle things down - but the aftermath of this was now I can't even look at vegetable juice with getting reluctant. I'll do fruit tomorrow and veggie broth to calm this down!

Anyways - sounded good but was a big mistake!

Also noticing more weight loss - how can this be? I'll weigh in later this weekend.

Today's Intake:
- Orange Ginger (great!)
- Celery, Carrot, Cabbage, Beets (good)
- Liquid Spaghetti (EVIL!)

Today's Output:
- I am going to the bathroom #1 like every 3-4 hours, urine is clear, no odor
- #2 Once, Normal

Today's Physical Outlook:
- Noticing more weight loss

Today's Mental Outlook:
- A spiritual awakening has begun

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Comments (12 of 12):
Re: Days 25-26 Pla… newda… 17 y
Re: Day 24 - Enjoy… b2ref… 17 y
Re: Days 16-22 Dis… quant… 17 y
Re: Days 16-22 Dis… b2ref… 17 y
Re: Day 15 - A Big… quant… 17 y
Re: Day 15 - A Big… truli… 17 y
Re: Day 1 - I Can … indog… 17 y
Re: Day 7 - Feelin… quant… 17 y
Re: Day 7 - Feelin… #7676… 17 y
Re: addicted to di… quant… 17 y
addicted to diet c… rooot… 17 y
Re: Day 5 - Optimi… hhdog… 17 y
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