Day 10 - An Incredible Day!
Day 10 - An Incredible Day!
Date: 1/14/2008 10:48:36 AM ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1959 times Day 10:
Today I had my first Reiki healing session and it was incredible. Reiki is an eastern (Japanese) form of energy massage or stimulation which calls on the body's natural healing powers which direct energy to healing the desired and specific areas. Prior to the Reiki session I had a fully body massage - and I can honestly say that having a massage during fasting is much more enjoyable and benefical that having one during non-fasting. I think perhaps that when you fast - all of your senses (including touch) become more acute - and the massage is felt and enjoyed on a deeper level. Between the Reiki and massage I walked out of there and had such a strong feeling on health, wellness and happiness - that I had such an incredible day!
I found myself re-energized to continue the fast and focusing more on the positive affirmations.
Today's Intake:
- Orange (great!)
- Vegetable broth about 2 cups
- Celery, Carrot, Cabbage, Beets (good)
- Celery, Carrot, Cabbage, Romaine Lettuce (good)
Today's Output:
- I am going to the bathroom #1 like every 3-4 hours, urine is clear, no odor
- #2 Twice, Normal
Today's Physical Outlook:
- Best I have felt in years and years!
Today's Mental Outlook:
- The spiritual mind is happy and is compassionate as the physical body goes through this process.
- I'm happy and greatful to have discovered this process and focused on the positive things to come.
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